1. O king intoxicated by the breeze of comfort
O dog's bedding, O heart of a vile man
١. يا مَليكاً بنَشوةِ الراحِ مُثقَل
يا لحاظَ الكِلاب يا قَلبض إِيَّل
2. You were never equal to facing tribulations
Among your Greek people, if only you knew, you scoundrel
٢. لم تكن قطُّ كُفءَ خَوضِ المَنايا
بَينض قَومش الإِغرِيقِ إِن يَعل قَسطَل
3. You have never hunted their game with traps
All this will bring you sudden death
٣. لم تَقُد قطُّ صِيدَهَمُ بِكَمِينٍ
كلُّ هذا يُرِيكَ مَوتاً مُعَجَّل
4. It is best you take back
What you claimed against those who deny your words if they stray
٤. هو خَيرٌ عَلمتَ أن تَستَرِدَّ ال
سهَّمَ مِمَّن يَصُدُّ قولَكَ إِن ضَل
5. You are the one who judged your people unjustly
When you were the chosen one among the ignoble
٥. أنتَ ذا الشَّعبَ قد فرَستَ بظُلمٍ
حيثُ بَينَ الأَنذالِ كُنتَ المُفَضَّل
6. You would have, had it not been for this
Be a disciple among the disciples and meet disgrace in the end
٦. كُنتَ لولا هذا أَ أَترِيذُ في ذا ال
حِين تَلقى هُوناً أَخيراً وتُخذَل
7. I have an omen for you and a vow
That weighed heavy in this honored club
٧. لَكَ مِنّي نُبُوءَةٌ ويمينٌ
اُثقِلَت في ذَا الصَّولَجانِ المُبَجَّل
8. A pruning saw whose leaves will never flourish
Once separated from its trunk in the sun
٨. محجَنٌ لَن يَزهُو لهُ وَرَقٌ مُذ
راحَ عن جِذعِهِ على الشُّمّ يُفصَل
9. How can it flourish when the sharp cutter
Is he who will cut it, never to thrive again
٩. كيفَ يَزهُو وقاطِعُ الحَدِّ عَرَّا
هُ وهَيهاتِ بعدَ ذلكَ يَخضَل
10. By this club and its guardian
To the masses of Greeks in agreement and dispute
١٠. إِي وذَا الصَّولَجَانِ وَهوَ وَلِيٌّ
لِجُمُوعِ الإِغرِيقِ في العَقدِ والحَل
11. In their hands it is placed while they are protected
By a law sent down upon them
١١. بَينَ أَيدِيهِمِ يُناطُ وَهُم حُفَّ
ظُ شَرعٍ لزَفسَ فِيهِم تَنَزَّل
12. I swear by it as it is a great refuge for you
The Achaean army will weep defeated
١٢. قَسَمي وهو أُلوَةٌ لكَ كُبرى
سَوف يبكِي أَخيلَ جَيشٌ مُنَكَّل
13. When Hector unleashes his might against them
And the wolves turn away from him and withdraw
١٣. حِينض هَكطُورُ فِيهش يَبطُشُ بَطشاً
وَترُومُ الذّيادَ عَنهُ فَتَفشَل
14. The soul will cry bitterly, resentful of you
When you almost ruined the best of resolute men
١٤. فَبِكض النَّفسُ تَصطَلِي وَهيَ حَنقى
مِنكَ إِذ كِدتَ خَيرَ شَهمٍ وأَبسَل