1. He spoke while sighs rose up,
Of no avail for what is known cannot be changed,
١. قالَ والنفسُ صَعَّدَت زَفَراتٍ
لَيسَ تُجدِي لما عَلِمتِ الإِعادَه
2. The holy Ethiopian girl since we visited her,
And sought from her the greatest boon,
٢. قُدس إِتيُونض ثِيبَةً مُذ دَهَمنا
وارتَفَدنَا منهُ أَجلَّ ارتِفادَه
3. The earnings were distributed here, worthless and noble,
Atridae took the noblest prize,
٣. وُزِّعَ الكَسبُ هاهُنا وَخَرِيسا
نالَ أَترِيذُ غادَةً أَيَّ غادَه
4. The worthless priest of Phebus surpassed us,
Who stirs up strife and casts the lots,
٤. فاتانا خَرِيسُ كَاهِنُ فِيبُو
سَ مُثيرِ السِهّامِ يُلقي المقَادَه
5. He ransoms his daughter with precious gifts,
And with his blessings the scepters of leadership,
٥. يَفتَدِي بِنتهُ بغُرِّ الهدَايا
وَبِيُمنَاهُ صَولَجَانُ السِّيادَه
6. Scepters of linen and headbands
Above which their turbans rise,
٦. صَولَجانٌ من عَسجَدٍ وعِصابا
تُ أُفُلُّونَ فوقهُ مَيَّادَه
7. He came to us seeking aid and refuge,
Beseeching all of us for deliverance,
٧. فاتانا مُستَنجِداً مُستَجِيراً
رَاجِياً من جَميعِنا إِنجادَه
8. Especially the two rulers of Atreus' line
So all the Greeks fulfilled his wish,
٨. سيَّما العاهلَينِ من نَسلِ أَترا
فَجَميعُ الإِغرِيقِ حَقُّوا مُرادَه
9. They preferred to keep the honor of the elder among them
And accept the fine, burnished gifts,
٩. آثَرُوا حِفظَ حُرمَةِ الشَّيخِ فِيهِم
وَقَبُولَ النَّفائِسِ الوَقَّاده
10. But Atreus' son raged and sought to drive him
Away from our midst, heaping hostility upon him,
١٠. فابنُ أَترا استَشاطَ يَطرُدُهُ مِن
بَينِنا مُورِياً عَلَيهِ احتِدادَه
11. The elder was frightened and bent in prayer,
And Phebus answered him and brought him victory,
١١. ذُعرَ الشَّيخُ وانثنى بدُعاءٍ
وفِبُوسُ استَجابهُ واستَجادَه
12. We let fly arrows but to no avail,
Our most piercing arrows were ineffective,
١٢. فًرمانا سَهماً فبدَّدَنا وال
أسهُمُ الدُّهمُ أُنفِذَت بَدَّادَه
13. Our troops began to fall in heaps,
Some atop the others, routed,
١٣. طَفِقَت جُندُنا تَخُرُّ رُكَاماً
بَعضُها فَوقَ بَعضِها مُنقادَه
14. The wise priest saw the matter,
And the raging of the god brought harm,
١٤. فَقِهَ الأَمرَ كاهِنٌ ذو سَدادٍ
واحتِدَامُ الإِلاهِ أَذَّى مفَادَه
15. So I sought to placate him, and Atreus'
Heir rushed to heap his hostility upon me,
١٥. فَطَلبتُ استِرضاءَهُ فانبَرى أَت
رِيذُ حالاً يُبدِي عَلَيَّ اشتدَادَه
16. He made threats and then carried them out,
Although the Greeks sought to prevent the addition,
١٦. وأَعَدَّ الوَعِيدَ ثُمَّ قَضاهُ
وأَرادَ الإغرِيقُ مَنعَ الزِيادَه
17. They prepared a ship and sent Chryses back
To his father, returning him,
١٧. فأَعَدُّوا سَفينَةً سَيَّرُوها
بِخرِيسا إِلى أَبِيها مُعَادَه
18. Then they journeyed and sent offerings
Of longing to the Lord, the best requital,
١٨. ثُمَّ سارُوا وأَوفَدُوا بنُذُورٍ
شائقاتٍ لِلرَّبِّ خَيرَ وفاده
19. And at that time, one of the chiefs arose,
Armed with an arrow I was granted the right to loose
١٩. وبِذا الحِينِ قام من خَيمَي الرُّس
لُ بِسَهمٍ أُوتِيتُ حَقَّ الجَلادَه
20. At Atreus' son, they took Chryses
"Help me my son, he depends upon you
٢٠. لابنِ أَترا يَستَصحِبُونَ بَرِيسا
أَنجدي ابناً عَلَيكِ ألقى اعتمِادَه
21. Do him justice, if you can, and go
To high Olympus, the Lord of all creatures,
٢١. أَنصِفيهِ إِذا استَطعتِ وَسِيري
لِلعُلى في أُلمِبِ رَبِّ العِبادَه
22. And help me if I ever with word
Or deed stole the delight of your heart
٢٢. واستضغِيثي إِن كُنتش حَقًّا بِقَولٍ
أَو بِفِعلٍ خَلَبتش يَوماً فُؤَادَه
23. With pride did I walk in your father's palace
Whenever I brought you the greatest benefit
٢٣. باعتِزازٍ سَما بقَصرِ أَبي كم
مرَّةٍ قد رَوَيتش خَيرَ إِفَادَه
24. When Pheidus, Hiera, and Aethina
Sought to destroy the champion of champions,
٢٤. عندَ ما فُوسِذٌ وَهيرا وَآثِي
نا استطالُوا على وليِّ الإِبادَه
25. There was none among the immortal horde
Except you to save me from intended harm,
٢٥. وتجارَوا لغلٍّ زَفسَ الذِي يَر
كُمُ غَيمَ العُلى وَيُجِي اسوِدادَه
26. So you prepared the chains, and called
The smith, arming him promptly for battle,
٢٦. لم يَكُن بينَ عُصبَةِ الخُلدِ إِلاَّ
كِ يقيهِ من وَرطَةٍ مُرتادَه
27. A hundred cubits for him, who was called
Brontes among the blessed people,
٢٧. فابتَدَرتِ الأغلالَ بالحَلِّ وَالجَ
بَّارَ حالاً دَعوَتِ يُبدِي جِهادَه
28. And by men is named Egion,
From high Olympus, who sought to steal in,
٢٨. مِئَةٌ أَذرُعاً لَهُ وهوَ يُدعى
بَرَيارا في عُرفِ أَهل السَّعادَه
29. Fiercer than his father, and in the son of Cronos
He brandished thunderbolts,
٢٩. ولدى الناسِ إِيجِيُوَن يُسَمَّى
من فَسِيحِ الأُولِمبِ رَامَ افتِقادَه
30. So the gods were terrified of him,
And refrained from crafty schemes,
٣٠. من أَبِيهِ أَشَدُّ بأساً وعندَ اب
نِ قُرُونٍ أَقامَ يُوري زِنادَه
31. I call upon Zeus, remind him of this,
Kiss his knees and ask for an extension of his favor
٣١. فاقشَعضرَّ الأَربابُ منهُ هُلُوعاً
وَارعَوَوا عن مَكِيدَةٍ نَقَّادَه
32. To annihilate the Greeks with the steep swell,
And come to the aid of the Trojans,
٣٢. أُقصُدِي زَفسَ ذَكّرِيهِ بهذَا
قَبِّلي رُكبَتيهِ وارجِي مِدَادَه
33. Let them see their mad king as he realizes
He has reaped the worst harvest,
٣٣. لِيُبِيدَ الإِغرِيقَ بالجُرفِ قُر
بَ الفُلكِ قَهراً وَيُنجِدَ الطُّروادَه
34. And Atreus' son will see with his high majesty,
Your majesty eclipses his whenever it leads."
٣٤. لِيَرَوا طَيشَ مَلكِهِم وَهوَ يَدرِي
أَنَّهُ قد أَصَادَ شَرَّ إِصادَه
٣٥. وابنُ أَترا يرى بمَجدِ عُلاهُ
حضطُّ مَجدش المِحرَابِ أَيَّانَ قادَه