1. Akhil said, "O old man, have patience,
I have no need for what you feign.
١. قالَ آخيلُ أَيُّها الشَّيخُ صَبرا
لَيسَ بي حاجَةٌ لِما تَتَحَرَّى
2. Zafsa has given me respite and will protect me,
Providing me joy while I live.
٢. إنَّ زَفساً أَجَلَّني وَسَيحمِي
سُفُني بي ما دُمتُ بالعَيشِ آنِس
3. And do not force me into shattered love.
Do not make me love her while you are my beloved.
٣. هاكَ فَصلَ الخِطابِ لاتُهمِ دَمعا
وتَسُمني في حُبِّ أَترِيذَ صَدعا
4. If you are not hopeless in your love for me,
Then meet the one who has finished me, inevitably,
٤. لا تُحِبَّنَّهُ وأَنتَ حَبيبي
إِن تَكُن مِن مَحَبتَّي غَيرَ بائِس
5. And judge with me, I will share the judgment with you.
These messengers stir up discord,
٥. فَاقلِيَنَّ الَّذي قَلانِيَ حَتما
وَمَعي احكُم أُشاطِرَنَّكَ حُكما
6. And here I stay, competing.
So when dawn breaks we will look into
٦. هَؤُلاءِ البَلاغَ يُنمُونَ حالاً
وَهُنا بِت علَى وَتيرِ الطَّنَافس
7. What we hope for, whether to raid or stay.
And looking at the sea he said the tide will come
٧. فإِذا الفَجرُ لاحَ نَبحَثُ فِيما
نَرتَإِيهِ لِنَغبتَدِي أَو نُقِيما
8. With a fresh breeze to speed the ships."
Ajax shouted, “Odysseus, come!
٨. ولِفَطرُقلَ مُومِئاً قالَ يَأتي
بِفرَاشٍ غَضٍّ لتَمضِي النَّواطِس
9. I do not see this as a wise course."
And it is up to us to craft an answer, even if
٩. هَبَّ آياسُ قالَ أُوذِيسُ هَيَّا
لا أَرى هكَذا المُنَى يَثَهَيَّا
10. The Greeks have been troubled by it."
"Akhil is stubborn by nature
١٠. وَعلَينا نُنمي الجَوابَ وإِن سا
ءَ فإِنَّ الإغرِيقَ ظَلُّوا بِهاجِس
11. And has brought me down though I tended the sheep.
They exalt him above all the exalted
١١. إِنَّ آخِيلَ قَد تَصَلَّبَ طَبعا
وأَداني الخُلاَّنِ ما ظَلَّ يَرعى
12. While he is harsh, dry, and unjust.
How many brothers ransom themselves with money and son
١٢. عَظَّمُوهُ مِن فَوقِ كلِّ عَظِيمٍ
وَهوَ عاتٍ جافٍ ظَلُومٌ قُنَاعِس
13. While the criminal stays prosperous and safe?
And the family of the murdered, even if they gain wealth
١٣. كَم أَخٍ يَفتَدُونَ بِالمالِ وابنِ
ويَظَلُّ الجاني بِرَغدٍ وأَمنِ
14. Abundantly, they pardon, excuse, and ignore the offenses."
"Your heart has frozen, vexed for a girl,
١٤. وأَهالي المَقتُولِ إِن أَحرَزُوا الما
لَ وَفِيراً عَفَوا وعافُوا وعَافُوا المَراجِس
15. And we came to you, seven daughters,
And beyond the treasures, magnificent gifts,
١٥. قَلبُكَ اكمَدَّ حانِقاً لِفَتاةِ
وأَتَينا نَحبُوكَ سَبعَ بَناتِ
16. Calm your terror, cast off your worries.
On behalf of all the Greeks we have come to you
١٦. وعَدا الغِيدَ باهِراتِ العَطايا
سَكِّن الرَّوعَ ألقِ عَنكَ الهَواجِس
17. Wanting to see what is most dear to you.
We are in your house where you are
١٧. عن جَمِيعَ الإِغرِيقِ جئِنا إِلَيكا
بُغيَةً أَن نُرَى أَحَبَّ لَدَيكا
18. So respect it, and respect your guests and cheer up."
١٨. نَحنُ في بَيتِكَ الَّذي أَنتَ فِيهِ
فاحترِمهُ وارعَ الضًّيُوفَ وآنِس