1. That day Pelasges resolved in firm will,
And fierce determination against the son of Tithoes impregnable,
١. حَبَت فالاسُ ذاكَ اليَومَ عَزماً
وَبَأساً لاِبنِ تِيذِيُسٍ مَنِيعا
2. To exalt his fame among the Greeks,
And attain lofty honor among them,
٢. لِيَعظُمَ في بَني الإِغرِيق شَأناً
وَيَبلُغَ فِيهِمِ الشَّرَفَ الرَّفِيعا
3. Above the rim of his all-covering shield overflowed
And above its cavity shone radiance pure,
٣. وَفَوقَ صِفَاحِ مِغفَرِهِ أَفاضَت
وفَوقَ مِجَنِّهِ قَبَساً بَدِيعا
4. About his head and shoulders beamed
Effulgence pouring forth swift and compliant,
٤. فَشَبَّ بِرَأسِهِ وبِمَنكِبَيهِ
شَعَاعٌ فَاضَ مُندَفِقاً سَطِيعا
5. As the autumn constellation when it bathes
In the sea's surge and spans the heavens,
٥. كَكَوكَبَةِ الخَرِيفِ قَدِ استَحَمَّت
بِلُجِّ البَحرِ وَامتَطَتِ الرَّقِيعا
6. And toward the foe it hurls him
Where his masses of troops grow dense,
٦. وَألقَتهُ إِلى حَيثُ الأَعادي
تُكَثِّفُ مِن كَتَائِبِها الجُمُوعا
7. And in the host of Trojans was an aged man
Wealthy, of unstained merit,
٧. وكانَ بِزُمرَةِ الطُّروادِ شَيخٌ
وَفيرُ المالِ لَم يُدنَس صَنِيعا
8. Whom the Trojans recognized. He was known
To Hector and his compliant priest.
٨. بَذَارِسَ عَرَّفُوهُ وكانَ إِلفاً
لِهيفِستٍ وكاهِنَهُ المُطيعا
9. Also his sons, Aetion and Phegeus,
Had proved all the skills of war.
٩. كذَا وَلَدَاهُ إِيذِيُسٌ وفِيغِس
ضُرُوبَ الحَربِ قد بَلَوا جَميعا
10. Over a chariot leaned they,
And strode ahead afoot spreading alarm,
١٠. فَكَرَّا فَوقَ مَركَبَةٍ عَلَيهِ
وأَقدَمَ راجلاً يَطِسُ الرُّبُوعا
11. And first Phegeus charged, as they closed,
With a terrifying lunge at his craft.
١١. وَبَادَرَ فِيغِسٌ لَمَّا تَدانَوا
إلى مِزرَاقِهِ طَعناً مَرُوعا
12. Swinging aside leftward from both shoulders
He passed and leapt and loosed no cry,
١٢. فَعَن كَتفَيهِ مُنعَطِفاً يَمِيناً
مَضَى وَنَبا ولَم يُسِلِ النَّجِيعا
13. When Dioxippus pierced him with keen blade
And cleft his chest and penetrated the ribs.
١٣. فَزَجَّ ذِيُومِذٌ بِشَحيذِ نَصلٍ
فَشَقَّ الصَّدرَ واخترًقَ الضُّلُوعا
14. He fell to the ground, strength gone,
While in panic his brother fled distraught.
١٤. فَخرَّ إِلى الحَضيضِ وَخارَ عَزماً
أَخوهُ فَفرَّ مُنهزِماً هَلُوعا
15. He left the deck of his craft, and had not
The fire god caught him, slain he would have been.
١٥. فَغادَرَ مَتَنَ مَركَبِهِ وَلَولا
إِلاهُ النَّارِ أَدرَكَهُ صرِيعا
16. He dove in search of the old man's corpse,
And Dioxippus shouted to his kin: “Now!
١٦. فهِيفِستٌ هُنا واراهُ حَتَّى
يُحَقِّفَ عَن حَشا الشَّيخِ الصُّدُوعا
17. To the ships, my heroes, swift, swift!”
So calamity came on Troy when
١٧. وصاحً ذِيُومِذٌ بِذَوِيهِ هَيُّو
إِلى السُّفُنِ الجِيادَ خُذُوا سَرِيعاً
18. For both heroes effort was wasted.
There the other, back in defeat.
١٨. فَجَلَّ الخَطبُ بالطُّروَادِ لَمَّا
عَنَا بَطَلَيهِما جُهداً أُضِيعا
١٩. فَذا مُلقىً تخضَّبَ من دِماهُ
وَذَا لاوٍ بِخَيبَتَهِ رُجوعا