1. Achilles sulked by his tent, far from the assembly where warriors excel,
In his heart a fire of isolation burned, and sorrow for the tumult of war and armies.
١. وَظَلَّ أَخِيلٌ حانِقاً عندض فُلكهِ
بَعيداً عَنِ الشُّورى افتِخَارِ البَوَاسلِ
2. On the twelfth dawn since he took this stance,
Zeus came among the immortal nobles.
٢. يُؤَجّجُ في أَحشائِهِ نارَ عُزلةٍ
ووَجدٍ لضَجَّاتِ الوَغَى والجَحافِلِ
3. Thetis did not forget her vows,
She parted the mists and came between the stages.
٣. وَفي فَجرِ ثضانِي عَشرَ يَوماً مَقَامَهُ
أَتَى زَفسُ في رَهطِ الخُلُودِ الأَفاضلِ
4. She passed through the open sky to where Zeus was
On the highest summit among the lofty mountains.
٤. ولَم تَكُ ثِيتيسٌ لِتَنسَى وُعُودَهَا
فَشَقَّت عُبَاباً حالَ بَينَ المَرَاحِل
5. Apart from the others, possessor of perfect wisdom.
She drew near and clasped her arms around him,
٥. تَجَاوَزَتِ الجَوَّ الفَسِيحَ إلى السَّما
إلى حَيثُ زَفسٌ بالجِبالِ العَواطِلِ
6. Touching the beard of the lord of the sublime.
With her left hand she caressed his knee,
٦. على القُمَّةِ العُليا بشهنَّ قدِ استَوى
بَعيداً عَن البَاقينض جَمَّ المَخَايِلِ
7. Seeking his favor by every means.
O father of men, Zeus, if my loyal service in word and deed among the kindred is true,
٧. تَدَنَّت إِلَيهش وانبَرَت مُستَجِيرةً
ومَسَّت بيُمنى ذَقنَ مَولى العَوَاهِلِ
8. Honor my son, though among men he is most inclined to destruction,
For his comrade has brought him down and destroyed him.
٨. ومالَت بِيُسراها تُقَبِّلُ رًكبَةً
وتَلتَمِسُ الحُسنى بكُلِّ الوسائل
9. Do not abandon him, in whom the blemishes of mankind are made clear.
Rouse the army of Troy to make his worth great,
٩. أَبا الخَلقِ زَفساً إِن صَدَقتُكَ خِدمةً
بِقَولي وفِعلي بينَ رَهطِ الأَماثلِ
10. And let the Greeks place him in the highest rank.
The rattling thundercloud did not answer
١٠. أَجِر وَلَدِي أََدنى الرِّجال إلى الرَّدَى
فقد حَطَّهُ أَترِيذُ حِطَّةَ خاذِلِ
11. The suppliant who cried out insistently.
Why do you hesitate? Make excuses and speak,
١١. وأعدَمَهُ سَهماً فَلا تَطَّرِحهُ يا
حَكيماً تَجَلَّت فِيهِ غُرُّ الشَّمَائلِ
12. Promise or refuse my hopes.
He made my humiliation known among the immortals,
١٢. أَفِز جَيشَ طُروَادا لِيَعظُمَ قَدرُهُ
ويُنزِلَهُ الإِغرِيقُ أَسمى المنازِلِ
13. Exhaling heavily, burdened.
The path is narrow if I were to nod in agreement here
١٣. فأَبطأَ رَكَّامُ الغُيُومِ ولم يُجِب
على الرُّكبِ انقَضَّت وصاحت أَلاِصلِ
14. To her who rose up against me with rudeness and provocation,
Then in the council of the gods they would resent me
١٤. وما ذَا الَّذي تَخشى فَخَلِّ تَعَلُّلاً
وقُل أَو أَشِر بالوَعدِ أَو رَفضِ نائلي
15. And say I aid wantonness.
Begone, look not for a ready favor.
١٥. فأَعلَمَ بينَ الخالِدينَ مَذَلَّتي
فقال مُبيناً زَفرَةَ المُتثَاقِلِ
16. I will consider what you request, and I gesture
A promise to answer in the abode of eternity,
١٦. لذَلِك عِبرٌ ضَيقٌ إِن نُمِي هُنا
لشهيرا انبَرَت لي بالجَفا والقَلاَقِلِ
17. A sure, steadfast pledge that will not be marred by misfortune.
He blinked his lids, and his hair shook,
١٧. فتُوغِرُ صَدري إِذ بِكُلِّ نَميمَةٍ
بِمُجتَمَعِ الأَربابِ تُثقِلُ كاهِلي
18. The throne of eternity trembled with the strongest earthquake.
١٨. وتَزعَمُ أَني للطَّراوِدِ ناصِرٌ
فَهُبّي ولا تَنظُركِ هَبَّة عاجِلِ
١٩. سأَنظُرُ فيما تَبتَغينَ وهاكِها
إشارَةَ وَعدٍ بالإِجابَةِ قائِلِ
٢٠. ففيها بِدارِ الخُلدِ عَهدٌ مُصَدَّقٌ
وَثِيقٌ وَطيدٌ لن يُمَسَّ بطائِلِ
٢١. وَحَرَّكَ جَفَنيهِ فمادَت شُعُورُهُ
وزُلزِلَ عَرشُ الخُلدِ أَقوَى الزَّلاَزِل