1. His heart overflowed with love's seas,
And he approached the field of battle.
١. فاضَ هَكطُورُ قَلبُهُ بحُبُورٍ
وتَدَنَّى لساحَةِ المَيدانِ
2. With his boat he aimed to please his own,
As they stood with dignity and obedience.
٢. وبِمِزراقهِ أَمالَ ذَوِيهِ
وَقَفُوا بالوَقارِ والإِذعانِ
3. Upon him the Greeks showered arrows
Not even missing a single stone like smoke.
٣. وعَلَيهِ الإِغريقُ أَمطَرَتِ النَّب
لَ وَوَبلَ الحِجارِ مِثلَ الدُّخانِ
4. He called out stopping the crowds, "Wait!
O Greek hordes, wait a little!"
٤. صاحَ يَستَوقِفُ الجُمُوعَ أَغامَم
نُونُ مَهلاً يا عُصبَة اليُونانِ
5. It was as if Hector intended something
That he wanted announced openly for us.
٥. فَكَأَنّي بَدا لِهَكطُورَ أَمرٌ
يَرتأَِيهِ لَنَا عَلى الإِعلانِ
6. The clamor fell silent. Hector said, listening,
"Hear me, O you two armies."
٦. سَكَنَ الجَأشُ قالَ هَكطُورُ سَمعاً
لِمَقالي يا أَيُّها الجَيشانِ
7. "Here is what Paris casts upon you,
And you know he is the source of this disgrace."
٧. هاكُمُ ما فاريسُ يُلقي عَليكُم
وَهوُ تَدرُونَ أُسُّ هذا الهَوانِ
8. "All of you, cast down your weapons to the ground,
And let the two heroes come forth to battle."
٨. كُلُّكم للحَضِيضِ أَلقُوا سِلاحاً
وإِلى الحَربِ يَبرُزُ القِرنانِ
9. "He and the valiant, resolute Menelaus,
Will fight apart from all the soldiers."
٩. هُوَ والباسِلُ العَزُومُ مَنيلا
عن جَمِيعِ الجُنُودِ يَقتِتلانِ
10. "Whoever prevails of the two will earn
Possessions and supremacy without stabbing."
١٠. كُلُّ مَن فاز منهما يُحرِزُ ال
مالَ وهِيلانَةً بِغَيرِ طِعانِ
11. "And the two armies will live in security and loyalty
For a long time unified."
١١. ويُآلي الجَيشانِ بالأَمنِ والوَف
قِ لِطُولِ الزَّمانِ يَتَّحدانِ
12. They were all silent. Then Menelaus called out
With a loud, steady voice and a resolute soul,
١٢. صَمَتُوا جُملَةً فَقالَ منَيلا
بِصُراخٍ عالٍ وثَبتِ جَنانِ
13. "Now hear me - there is none among you
Who suffers the agony I suffer."
١٣. فلِيَ الآنَ سَمعُكُم لَيسَ منكُم
مَن يُعاني بِلوعَةٍ ما أُعاني
14. "Between Paris, who wants conflict, and me
Your calamities in time have exhausted you."
١٤. بَينَ فارِيسَ ذا الخِصامُ وبيني
قد دَهَاكم بفاجِعاتِ الزَّمانِ
15. "He is hostile and I am set against chaos.
I have only taken up the palm of unjust war."
١٥. هُوَ بادٍ ولِلوَغى أَنا صادٍ
إِنَّما رُمتُ كَفَّ حَربٍ عَوَان
16. "Whichever of us the fates decree for death,
Let him taste it while you are safe."
١٦. مَن يَسقُهُ القَبضاءُ لِلحتفِ مِنَّا
فَليذُقهُ وأنتُمُ بِأمانِ
17. "And two rams will be brought to Troy
One white and the other black."
١٧. ولِطُروادَةٍ بِكَبشَينِ يُؤتى
واحِدٌ أَبيَضٌ وأسوَدُ ثاني
18. "An offering permitted to the sun and the earth.
And one of us is a ram for the Lord of Destiny."
١٨. قُربَةً تُستَبَاحُ لِلشَّمسِ والأََر
ض ومِنَّا كَبشٌ لرَبِّ المَثاني
19. "King Priam will come in person
To seal the pact of harmony in this place."
١٩. ويُوَافي المَلِيكُ فِريامُ بالنَّف
سِ لعَقدِ الوِفاقِ في ذا المكَانِ
20. "For his sons do not restrain the reins,
And laxity is the nature of youths."
٢٠. فَبَنُوهُ لا يَتَّقُونَ زِماماً
والتَّرَاخي طَبيعَةُ الفِتيانِ
21. "Perhaps they recoil from the covenant of Zefs.
But the elder does not disappoint hopes."
٢١. رُبَّما يَنقُبضُونَ مِيثاقَ زَفسٍ
إِنَّما الشَّيخُ لا يُخِيبُ الأَماني
22. "So he will heed the past and the future,
So that both sides encounter well-being."
٢٢. فَيُرَاعي الماضي ومُستَقبَلَ الأَم
رِ لِيَلقَى السَّلامَةَ الطَّرَفانِ
23. This talk pleased every faction,
Eager to ward off these events.
٢٣. سَرَّ هذا الحَدِيثُ كُلَّ فَرِيقٍ
رَغبَةً في ادِّراءِ ذا الحَدثانِ
24. They approached in ships and described
The number of vessels sunk into the abyss.
٢٤. فَتَدانَوا بالمَركَباتِ وصَفُّوا
عُدَدَ الحَربِ الحَضِيضِ دَوَاني
25. And Hector sent a messenger to Priam
With Vega, then they would come together.
٢٥. ولِفِريامَ أَرسَلَ النَّدبُ هَكطُو
رُ بِفَيجَينِ ثَمَّ يَستَقدِمانِ
26. And they would lead their slaughter, as Agamemnon
Wanted the completion of the sacrifice.
٢٦. ويَقُودانِ ذِبحَهُم وأَغامَم
نُونُ يَبغِي تَتِمَّةَ القُربانِ
27. To Talthybius he ordered to hasten
To their ships without delay.
٢٧. فلِتلثِيِبيُوسَ أَوعَزَ فاجتا
زَ إِلى فُلكِهِم بِغَيرِ تَواني
28. And for Helen, Eris was seen
Seeking her in the furthest gardens.
٢٨. ولِهلاَنَةٍ تَرَاءَت إِرِيسٌ
تَبتَغيِها مِن قاصِيَات الجِنانِ
29. She adorned herself in the finest attire
To compliment her dazzling beauty.
٢٩. وتَزَيَّت بِزِيِّب أَجمَلِ بِنت
لِحَميها بِحُسنها الفَتَّانِ
30. With Laodicea, wife of Helicaon,
Scion of glorious Antenor.
٣٠. لاوُذِيقا وزَوجِ هيليقَوُوُنٍ
فَرعِ أَنطِينُورَ الرَّفِيعِ الشَّانِ
31. She found her in the palace weaving a gown
With hems of purple and red dye.
٣١. وَجَدَتها بالصَّرحِ تَنسِجُ ثَوباً
بِحَوَاشِي البِرفِيرِ والأُرجُوَانِ
32. And at the head of the seamstresses sketching on it
Events that distinguished the two parties:
٣٢. وبِرَأسِ الخِيَاطِ تَرسُمُ فيهِ
واقِعاتٍ أَبلَت بِهَا الفِئتانِ
33. The Greek troops armored with shields
And Troy's sturdiest horsemen.
٣٣. قَومُ إِغرِيقيا أُولوا لادرُعِ الحُص
دِ وطُروَادَ أَصلبِ الفُرسانِ
34. They were engrossed with her upon her, and the Lord of
War lit the fuse of their mutual annihilation.
٣٤. فَتَفَانَوا بها عَلَيها وَرَبُّ ال
حَربِ أَورَى زِنادَها للتَّفَاني
35. She said, "Now, daughters of nymphs, arise
And behold the wonders before your eyes."
٣٥. قالَتِ الآن ياسنَا الحُورِ قُومي
فَتَرَينَ العُجَابَ مَرأَى العِيَانِ
36. "The two nations have endured war patiently
And nearly intertwined in battle."
٣٦. عِيلَتِ الأُمتَّانِ لِلحربِ صَبراً
كادَتا بالقِتال تَشتَبِكانِ
37. "And now without strife or war, they are secure,
Silently seated in peace."
٣٧. وهُمَا الآنَ لا نَكالَ وَلا حَر
بَ بِأَمنٍ بالصَّمتِ جَالِسَتانِ
38. "With a channel in the ground in which they anchored
Poles and pillars on which they lean."
٣٨. بِقَنَاةٍ بالأَرضِ أَركَزَتاها
وَمِجَنِّ عَلَيهِ تَتَّكئَانِ
39. "But now, inevitably, Alexander
And Menelaus will come forth to meet."
٣٩. بَيدَ أَنَّ الإِسكَندَرَ الآن حَتماً
وَمنيلا إِلى اللِّقَا يَبرُزانِ
40. "Whoever wins, you will be his wife and protector,
And upon you lies the entire wager."
٤٠. من يَفُز أَنتِ زَوجُهُ وَمنُاهُ
وَعَلَيكِ الرِّهانُ كُلُّ الرِّهانِ
41. Then she sparked in her a yearning and longing
For Menelaus, her family, and homeland.
٤١. ثُمَّ أَذكَت بِها حَنِيناً وَوَجدَا
لِمَنيلا والأَهلِ وَالأَوطانِ
42. In turmoil, she donned a bright veil
To light the fires of sorrow.
٤٢. باضطَرَابٍ تَبَرقعَت بِنقابٍ
ناصِعٍ تَصطَلي لَظى الأَشجانِ
43. From her chamber in the palace she walked distraught
By the expressions of grief and tears of affection.
٤٣. من خِبَاها في الصَّرح سارَت وأَهمَت
عَبَرَاتِ الشَّجَى ودَمعَ الحَنانِ
44. If only the daughter of Nereus, Thetis,
And lovely Clymene felt likewise,
٤٤. وَلَيتها أَثرا ابنَةُ النَّدبِ فِتثا
وكلِيمِينِيَا العُبُونِ الحِسانِ
45. She came to the gates of Scea where there gathered
A company of the gravest elders and rulers.
٤٥. جئِنَ أَبوَابَ إِسكِيَا حَيثُ وَافى
رَهطُ أَدهى الشُّيُوخِ والسُّلطانِ
46. With Priam were Pancetus and Thymoetes
With Caletor, Lampus the Hicetae.
٤٦. مَعَ فِريامَ بفَنشُسٌ وَثَمِيتٌ
مع قَلِيطُوسَ لَمفُسٍ هِيكِتَانِ
47. And to them came Ucalegon and Antenor
Treasure of wisdom and eloquence.
٤٧. وإِليهم أُوكالغُونُ وأَنطِي
نُورُ كَنز الحِجى وذُخرا البَيانِ
48. The days had burdened them with frailty
But they had wisdom and gentle speech.
٤٨. فكُرُورُ الأَيَّامِ أَولَتهُمُ عج
زاً ولَكِن حَزماً وعَذبَ لِسانِ
49. At the parapets of the tower they stood
Exchanging perspectives openly.
٤٩. في أَعالي مَشَارِفِ البُرجِ قامُوا
يَرتأُونَ الآراءَ بالتبيَانِ
50. As the cicadas in the forest subtly
Voice tender melodies.
٥٠. مثلَمَا في الغابِ الصَّراصرُ تُبدي
بِخفاها صَرّاً رَقيقَ المَغاني
51. They saw her and one said to another,
"Oh what a gentle reproach and refined meaning!"
٥١. أَبصَرُوها فَقالَ بَعضٌ لِبَعضٍ
يا لطِيب الثَّنَا ولُطفِ المَعاني
52. "It is no wonder if this was her wont
And over her two nations collided."
٥٢. لَيسَ بَدعاً إِن كانَ هذا سَناها
وَعليها تَلاحَمت أُمَّتَانِ
53. "A goddess emerged with a radiant face
Though devastation draws near, woeful."
٥٣. بَرَزَت رَبَّةً بِوَجهٍ صَبَيحٍ
غَيرَ أَنَّ البلاَءِ بالوَيلِ داني
54. "Return to the ship, and we will suffice
While our sons wander astray."
٥٤. فَلتَعُد للسَّفِينِ مِن ثَمَّ نُكفى
وبَنِينا دَوَاهِيَ الخِذلانِ
55. Priam called her. He said, "Come near,
Daughter, sit with me in confidence."
٥٥. فَدَعَاها فِريَامُ قالَ بِقُربي
إِجلِسي الآنَ يا ابنَتي بائتِماني
56. "And look in the hall for a husband first
For you, eminent above all others."
٥٦. وانظُرِي في السَّرَاةِ أَوَّلَ بَعلٍ
لَكِ قِدماً وَسائِرَ الإِخوَانِ
57. "You were not truly at fault, rather
The decree of the mighty Lords was at fault."
٥٧. لَم تَكُوني بِالحَقِّ جانِيَةً بل
قَدَرُ الأَربابِ العِظامِ الجاني
58. "That, above the Greeks, provoked wrath
And brought down a flood of calamities upon me."
٥٨. ذاكَ فَوقَ الإِغرِيقِ قد هالَ سُخطاً
وبِوَبلِ الوَبالِ قد أَبلاني
59. "Tell me, who is this who appears to me
A brother of honor and pride?"
٥٩. أَخبرِيني مَن ذا الذي يَتَرَاءَى
لي أخَا عِزَّةِ وذا عُنفُوَانِ
60. "Among them, whom I see largest in body,
But where is there one with such beauty?"
٦٠. بَينَهُم من أَراهُ أَضخَمَ جِسماً
مِنهُ لَكِن أَنَّى لِذا الحُسنِ ثاني
61. "He shone with magnificent awe
With dense, solid limbs."
٦١. لاحَ مِن فَرطِ هَيبَةٍ وَوَقارٍ
لِيَ قَيلاً مُوَطَّدَ الأَركانِ