1. Odysseus saw him and said, "O Eurymachus, who
Is this enemy with veiled eyes come as a spy
١. فَرآهُ أُوذِسُ قالَ يا ذُومِيذُ ذا
عَينٌ مِنَ الأَعداءِ جاءَ مُحَجَّبا
2. To watch the fleet, or left behind to plunder
The dead?" Let him alone to pass in front of us
٢. أَتُرى أَتى كي يَرقُبَ الأُسطُولَ أَو
مِن عُدَّةِ القَتلَى يَغُلَّ ويَسلُبا
3. So we can seize him where his way is narrow.
But if he gets by unseen, follow with a spear
٣. دَعهُ إِذاً حَتَّى يَمُرَّ أَمامنا
فَعَلَيهِ نَقبِضُ حَيثُ يُحرَجُ مَذهَبا
4. And cut him off from reaching his men at their ships,
Driving him back, though he struggle to escape.
٤. لكِن إِذا ما اجتازَنا عَدواً وَلَم
نُدرِكهُ بالرُّمحِ اقتَفَيهِ مُصَوِّبا
٥. وَاقطَع سَبِيلَ قُفُولهِ لرِجالهِ
وإِلى السَّفائِنِ رُدَّهُ مُتَعَقِّبا