
They fortified in Troy, their troops keeping watch

تمنع في الطرواد يخفر جندهم

1. They fortified in Troy, their troops keeping watch
And the excess of sorrow and separation weakened the Achaeans

١. تَمَنَّع في الطُّروادِ يَخفُرُ جُندُهُم
وفرطُ الأَسى والبَثِّ هَدَّ الأَخائِيا

2. Thunder is brought to them from the stance of eternity
Accompanied by the caller to flee challenging

٢. يُسَاقُ لَهُم مِن مَوقِفِ الخُلدِ رِعدَةٌ
يُلاَزِمُها داعي الفِرارِ مُبَارِيا

3. And their insides tremble as the waves turbulent
When the sail meets the winds sweeping

٣. وتَحقُقُ أَحشاهُم كَما اللُّجُّ خافِقٌ
إِذا لَقِيَ البَخرُ الرِّياحَ السَّوَفِيا

4. And from the belly of Ithaca, craftiness and trickery
Together blew in it blowing suddenly

٤. ومن بَطنِ إِثرَاقا دَبُورٌ وشَمأَلٌ
مَعاً هَبَّتا فِيهِ هُبُوباً مُفَاجِيا

5. So it left them the wave's commotion from above the sea
And it tosses them until it crosses the shores

٥. فَتَركُمُ دُهمَ المَوجِ مِن فَوقِ يَمِّهِ
وتَقذِفُها حَتَّى تَجُوزَ الشَّواطيا

6. And confusion and turmoil attack its core
Revolving around them, the callers follow one another

٦. وأَترِيذُ والتَّبرِيحُ يَنتَابُ لُبَّهُ
يَطُوفُ بِهِم يَدعُو الدُّعاةَ تَوالياي

7. And it commands the council that they whisper in it
With their names for the prey and it crossed habitually

٧. ويَأمُرُ بالشُّورى بِأَن يَهمِسُوا بِها
بأَسمائِهِم لِلصِّيدِ واجتَازَ عادِيا

8. And it delivered the chests of the troops until when they appeared
Sitting and the silence of grief rejoiced spreading

٨. وبَلَّغَ صَدرَ الجُندِ حَتَّى إِذا بَدَوا
جُلُوساً وصَمتُ الحُزنِ بَرَّحَ بادِيا

9. On his feet he stood and tears laden
Flowed from his eyes like torrential rain

٩. عَلى قَدَمَيهِ قامَ والدَّمعُ هامِرٌ
تَدَفَّقَ مِن عَينَيهِ كالسَّيلِ هاميا

10. Like the outpour of water split from the heart of a rock
And in the breaths of grief he shouted calling

١٠. كَشُؤبُوبِ ماءٍ شُقَّ من قَلبِ صخرَةٍ
وفي زَفَراتِ الحُزنِ صاحَ مُنَادِيا

11. My beloveds Ajax and Teucer, the prey made me lonely
Disaster in the ropes coming

١١. أَحِبَّايَ وَالاقيالَ والصِّيدَ خِلتُني
رَمانَي زَفسٌ في حَبائِلِ آتِيا

12. And Teucer was by nodding his head
That we in Ilion will crush the aims

١٢. وقد كانَ والاني بإِيماءِ رَأسِهِ
بِأَنَّا بإِليُونٍ نَدُكُّ المَراميا

13. And we don't return to the family unless with its captives
So what made him in what he threw me

١٣. ولا نَنثَني للأَهلِ إِلاَّ بِسَبيِها
فمانَ وَما أَغرَاهُ فِيما رَمانِيا

14. I have lost the chiefs of men and he has ordained
To Argos I return humiliated

١٤. فَقَدت صَنادِيدَ الرِّجالِ وقد قَضى
عَليَّ إِلى أَرغُوسَ أَرجِعُ خاسِيا

15. Yes, that is an order the Ordainer wanted
Which undermines the pillars of the open lands

١٥. نَعَم ذَاكَ أَمرٌ شَاءَهُ الآمِرُ الَّذي
يُقَوِّضُ أَركانَ البِلادِ العَوَاتِيا

16. So come obey me defeat is profitable
With our return, I see disaster judging

١٦. فَهَيُّوا أَطِيعُوني الهَزِيمَةُ مَغنَمٌ
بِعَودَتِنا إِنِّي أَرى زَفسَ قاضِيا

17. And I promise you truly so we won't see
The fortresses of Ilion ruins transient

١٧. وَأَصدُقُكُم وَعداً يَقيناً فَلَن نَرَى
مَعاقِلَ إِليُونٍ رُكاماً فَوَانِيا

18. They shouted and the silence lasted above their frowns
So Diomedes, the brave brother, shouted next

١٨. أَصاخُوا وطالَ الصَّمتُ فَوقَ وُجُومِهِم
فَصاحَ ذِيُومِيذٌ أَخُو البَاس عَاليا

19. You have exaggerated Atreides, the first denier
Of your saying, this one, don't get angry at me

١٩. شَطَطتَ أََأَترِيذٌ وأَوَّلُ مُنكِرٍ
لِقَولَكَ ذَا لا تَحنَقَنَّ أَرانِيا

20. So this is the right of our council and I have accepted with my determination
You have fooled and you have declared my will weak

٢٠. فذا حَقُّ شُورانا وقَبلُ بِهِمَّتي
عبِثتَ وقَد أَعَلَنتَ عَزمِيَ واهِيا

21. With this the elders and the old altogether
Testified that you Atreides have tightened the guaranteed provision

٢١. بِذا شَهِدَ المُردَانُ والشِّيبُ جُملَةً
على أَنَّ زَفساً قَسَّخمَ الرِّزقَ وافِيا

22. So you were not given the might of palm and might is first
And you were given the pride of reign and honor second

٢٢. فَلَم تُؤتَ بَأسَ الكَفِّ والبَأُسُ أَولٌ
وأُوتِيتَ فخرَ المُلكِ والعِزِّ ثانِيا

23. Am I a fool? Did you leave Argos humiliated?
If you wanted a path lower than you here are the ways ready

٢٣. أََأَحمَقُ هَل خِلتَ الأَراغِسَ أُوهِنُوا
فإِن رُمتَ عَوداَ دُونَكَ السُّبلَ هاهِيا

24. And the one with the ships that you were determined with them from
Mikina you see them with the moorings anchored

٢٤. وذِي السُّفُنُ الّلاءِي عَزَمتَ بِهِنَّ مِن
مِكِينا تَراها بالجُدُودِ رَواسِيا

25. And the rest of us will not move from our land
Until we see these citadels in the valleys

٢٥. وسائِرُنا لَن نَبرَحَنَّ بِأَرضِنا
إِلى أَن نَرى هذي الحُصُونَ بَوادِيا

26. And if all prefer defeat and return
Then I and Sthenelus will suffice the enemies

٢٦. وإن آثرَ الكُلُّ انهِزَاماً وَعَودَةً
فإِنِّي وَأَستِينِيلُ نَكفِي الأَعَادِيا

27. We will fight them until we succeed in destroying it
And a Lord supports me for a war He called me to

٢٧. نُقَاتِلُهُم حَتَّى نَفُوزَ بِدَكِّها
وَيَنصُرُني رَبٌّ لِحَربٍ دَعانِيا

28. So for him the Greeks cheered the cheer of an enchanter
And Nestor stood with them making a speech next

٢٨. فَضَجَّت لَهُ الإِغرِيقُ ضِجَّةَ مُطرَبٍ
وقامَ بِهم نَسطُورُ يَخطُبُ تالِيا

29. You have reached the highest, Diomedes, with your might as
With your opinion among the crowds you were sublime

٢٩. سَمَوتَ ذِيُومِيذٌ بِبأسِكَ مِثلَما
بِرَأيِكَ بالأَترابِ قد كُنتَ سامِيا

30. What is the blaming of the blamer against you among the Greeks
But the judgment of speech still hidden

٣٠. فَما لَكَ في الإِغرِيقِ لَومةُ لائِمٍ
ولِكنَّ فَصلَ القَولِ ما زالَ خافِيا

31. So you are a young man if your age was measured it wouldn't be
Equal to the youngest of my little children

٣١. فَأَنتَ فَتًى لَو قِيسَ عُمرُكَ لَم يَكُن
لأَحدَثِ أَبنائِي الصِّغارِ مُساوِيا

32. Although you have chosen the elite approach
And you addressed the elite with the truth suffering

٣٢. عَلى أَنَّكَ اختَرتَ الحَصافَةَ مَنهجاً
وصِيدَ السُّرَى خَاطَبتَ بالحَقِّ عانِيا

33. And I, and it suffices me the old below you proudly
Will gather the edges of the speech with my speech

٣٣. وإِنِّي وحَسبي الشَّيبُ دُونَكَ مَفخَراً
سَيَجمَعُ أَطرافَ الحَدِيثِ كَلامِيا

34. And I won't meet the people until their leader
My brother in glory Atreides comprehends my saying

٣٤. ولَن أَلتَقي بالقَومِ حَتَّى زَعِيمِهِم
أَخِي المَجدِ أَترِيذٍ لِقَولِيَ لاحِيا

35. So no law, no shelter, and no family for he who
With his sedition among the people corrupts roaming

٣٥. فَلا شَرعَ لا مَأوى ولا أُسرَةٌ لِمَن
بِفِتنَتِهِ في القَومِ يُفسِدُ عاثِيا

36. The beastly night has settled so prepare
Your food and we will make reconciliation

٣٦. فَقَد خَيَّمَ اللَيلُ البَهِيمُ فَهَيّئُوا
طَعَامَكُمُ وَلنُحكِمَنَّ التَّصافِيا

37. And a troop of our youths will keep guard
On a trench we drew near the fence awake

٣٧. وَيَخفُرُ مِن فِتيَانِنَا حَرَسٌ عَلى
حَفِيرٍ خَطَطناهُ لَدى السُّورِ صاحِيا

38. The order is yours Atreides, organize them and take
From their old the opinion you take healing

٣٨. لَكَ الأَمرُ أَترِيذٌ أَقِمهُم وأَولِمَن
لِشِيبَكَ مِنهُم تَأخُذِ الرأَيَ شافِيا

39. So your tent overflowed with drink directed
By the ships of Ithaca in which he came hosting

٣٩. فَخَيمُكَ فاضَت بالرَّحيقِ تَسُوقُهُ
سَفائِنُ إِثراقا بها جاءَ ضافِيا

40. And you have what you wish for the best feast
And a few young men that were endless

٤٠. وعِندَكَ ما تَبغي لِخَيرِ وَلِيمَةٍ
وعِدَّةُ غُلمانٍ تَناهَت تَناهِيا

41. And at the gathering of the people, you gather their opinion
And you follow what was with purpose fulfilling

٤١. وعِندَ التِئامِ القَومِ تَجمَعُ رَأَيَهُم
وتَتبَعُ ما قد كانَ بالقَصدِ وافِيا

42. So how much the Greeks need the opinion and intellect
Their light has become at the ships flowing

٤٢. فَما أَحوَجَ الإِغرِيقَ لِلرَّأي والعِدى
أُوارُهُمُ أَضحَى لَدى الفُلكِ وارِيا

43. So this night of ours and watch who saw
We will perish in it or attain the wishes

٤٣. فَلَيلَتُنا هَذي وَواحَظَّ مَن رَأَى
سَنَهلِكُ فيها أَو نَنالُ الأَمانِيا

44. They shouted and a small troop hastened
With their thirst from them seeking the efforts

٤٤. اصاخُوا ولَبَّوا ثُمَّ هَبَّت خِفارَةٌ
بِشِكَّتِها مِنهُم تَجِدُّ المَساعِيا

45. Leading them from the elite of the troops are seven
Thersites, Nestor nicknamed the shepherd

٤٥. يَقُودُهُمُ مِن نُخبَةِ الجُندِ سَبعَةٌ
ثَرِيسِيمُ نَسطُورَ المُلقَّبِ راعِيا

46. And Idomeneus the descendant of Ares
And Meriones, Difyrus likewise Afarius

٤٦. ويَلمِينُ عَسقَالافُ من وِلدِ آرِسٍ
ومِريُونُ ذِيفِيرٌ كذاك أَفارِيا

47. And to stand Furions and each one commissioned
Over a hundred of them, the heights are few

٤٧. ولِيقُومُ فُريُونٍ وكلٌّ مُؤَمَّرٌ
عَلى مِئِةٍ مِنهُم تَقِلُّ العَوَالِيا

48. So they lined up between a fence and a trench
And fell asleep to prepare the ready food

٤٨. فَحَلُّوا انتِظاماً بَينَ سُورٍ وَخَندَقٍ
وأَكَوا لإِعدادِ الطَّعَامِ المَذاكِيا

49. And Atreides met with the old at his tent
For a banquet overflowing with fulfilling food

٤٩. وأَترِيذُ وَافى بالشُّيُوخِ لِخَيمِهِ
لِمَأَدَبَةٍ فاضَت طَعاماً مُوافِيا

50. So when with their hands they finished what was in front of them
And all the thirst and hunger was dismissed distant

٥٠. فَلَمَّا بِأَيدِيهِم قَضَوا مِن أَمامِهِم
وكُلُّ الظَّما والجُوعِ أُجليَ نائِيا

51. The one among them exceeding in experience and wisdom appeared
Their noble Nestor making a speech starting

٥١. بَدا مَن بِهِم فَاقَ اختِباراً وحِكمَةً
نَبِيلُهُمُ نَسطُورُ يَخطُبُ بادِيا

52. Atreides master of prey, the first to run
And the last one to run to his saying

٥٢. أََأَترِيذُ مَولى الصِّيدِ أَوَّلَ مَن جَرى
وآخِرَ مَن يَجرِي إِلَيهِ مَقالِيا

53. You have turned away from Xerxes the stick of reign governing
Nations that reached number and attained high status

٥٣. تَوَلَّيتَ مِن زَفسٍ عَصا المُلكِ والِياً
شُعُوباً سَمَت عَدَّا ونِلتَ المَعالِيا

54. Yours is the opinion, listening, and command you choose
With our views what you wish coming pleased

٥٤. لَكَ الرَّأيُ والإصغاءُ والأَمرُ تَنتَقي
بآرائنا ما شِئتَ تَأتِيهِ راضِيا

55. And you execute a saying anyone of us said when
It comes from a heart that stayed with good hastening

٥٥. وتُنفِذُ قَولاً قَالَهُ أَيُّنا إِذا
مَضى عَن فُؤَادٍ ظَلَّ بالخَيرِ ساعِيا

56. So my opinion, I don't think you will be given its like
And it's not in this time wandering in my mind

٥٦. فَرَأيي أَراني لَستَ تُؤتَى نَظِيرَهُ
وما هُوَ في ذا الحِينِ جالَ بِبالِيا

57. I've been repeating it since you robbed from our Achilles
Briseis despite the protests wrongfully

٥٧. أُرَدِّدُهُ مُنذُ استَلَبتَ أَخِيلَنا
بَريسا عَلى رَغمِ الأَراغِسِ باغِيا

58. Self desire deceived you arrogance so you didn't
Listen to my rule and saying in which I forbid you

٥٨. تَوَلاَّكَ كَيدُ النَّفسِ كِبراً فَلَم تُصِخ
لِحُكمِي وقَولٍ فيهِ جِئتُكَ ناهِيا

59. And you stood and made the speech harsh to a master
Who reached honor until the people of eternity lofty

٥٩. وَقُمتَ وأَغلَظتَ المَقالَ لِسَيِّدٍ
سَما شَرفاً حَتَّى بَني الخُلدِ راقِيا

60. And whatever resentment's distance, we won't find
A way to reconcile it coming pure

٦٠. ومَهما يَكُن مِن بُعدِ مَنآهُ فَلنَجِد
سَبِيلاً لنَستصفيهِ يَاتِ مُصَافِيا

61. We will soften speech to him with which we soften him
And we will gift him the finest gifts

٦١. نُلِينُ لَهُ قَولاً بِهِ نَستَلِينُهُ
ونُتحِفُهُ مِنَّا الصِلاتِ السَّوانِيا