
God's peace followed by peace

تذكرة غافل

1. God's peace followed by peace
Upon the one whose position is ensconced in conscience

١. سَــلامُ اللـهِ يَـتْـبـعُــهُ سَــلامُ
عَلَى مَـنْ فِي الضَّـمِيرِ لَــهُ مَقَـامُ

2. Upon elevated love, he who has risen
To the highest of noble deeds that have no peer

٢. عَلَى الحِـبِّ المُكـرَّمِ مَـن تَرَقَّــى
إِلـَى أَعلـَى مَـكــارِمَ لا تُــرامُ

3. And has surpassed the seekers in intellect, desire
Etiquette and enlightened knowledge are his measure

٣. وَفَاقَ الطَّالِبيـنَ ذَكًـا وَحِرْصًـا
وآدَابًــا وَمَــعْــرِفَــةً تُـسَــــامُ

4. And separated with yearning for undertakings
While the seeker of virtues is not blamed

٤. وَفَـارَقَ لِلقَـواطِــعِ بِاشْتِيــاقٍ
ومَـنْ طَلَـبَ المَكـارِمَ مـا يُــلامُ

5. And left every preoccupied one crying out
Oh, would that I come to his abode and remain

٥. وخَـلَّى كُـلَّ مُشْتَغِــلٍ يُنــادِي
أَلا لَيْتِــي بِمَنــزِلِــهِ أَقَــامُـــوا

6. So after striving you are pleased to equal
The masters of idleness or to sleep

٦. فَبَعْدَ الدَّأْبِ تَرضَى أَنْ تُسَاوِي
لأَرْبــابِ الْبِـطَـالَــةِ أَوْ تَـنَـــامُ

7. And after your ascent to the highest degrees
You fluctuate towards descent, so it is a malady

٧. وَبَعْدَ صُعـودِكَ الدَّرَجَ الْعَـوالِي
تُجــاذِبُ لِلنُّـزُولِ فَــذَا سَقَــامُ

8. What then has distracted you from transcendent knowledge
And difficult for you, O great one, has it become?!

٨. فَمـا أَلْهـاكَ عَـنْ عِلْـمٍ تَسَامَـى
وَعَـزَّ عَلَيْكَ يَـا هَـذَا الْعِظَـامُ؟!

9. Or has emulating the lazy destroyed you
So time is lost and composure comes undone?!

٩. أَمَ الْهــاكَ اقْتِـدَاؤُكَ بِالكُسَــالَى
فَضَاعَ الوقتُ وانْفَرطَ النِّظامُ؟!