
Have we not avenged those slain at the watering-place

هل ما جزيناهم قتلى على لثمٍ

1. Have we not avenged those slain at the watering-place
And in granting gifts and freedom from distress?

١. هلْ ما جَزيْناهمُ قتلَى على لَثَمٍ
وفي الطّلاقةِ منْ بؤْسٍ وإنعْامِ

2. We were on equal terms till they wronged us more,
So the throw of the skilled archer was made complete.

٢. كنّا سَواءً فزادونا فزادَهُمُ
فكُمِّلَتْ باختيارٍ رمْيةُ الرّامي

3. And when their steeds pressed upon Sa'd,
Sa'd ibn Mu'adh, not Sa'd ibn Ubadah.

٣. وإذْ يلِحُّ على سعدٍ جيادَهُم
سعدُ بن مُرَّةَ لا سعدُ بن همّامِ