
I went to complain of passion to the sand dunes

ورحت أشكو للطلول الجوى

1. I went to complain of passion to the sand dunes,
How strange to complain of passion to inanimate things!

١. ورُحتُ أشكو للطُّلول الجَوَى
فاعجَبْ لمن يشكو الجوى للجمادْ

2. He whose life is spent in grief and contention,
His days pass between humiliation and obstinacy.

٢. ومن حزينٍ ينقضي عمرُه
من دهره بين العَنا والعِناد

3. O fate, you have wronged me and wronged me greatly!
So pour for the sons of adultery the cups of death!

٣. ظلمْتَ يا دهرُ وأظلمْتَ لي
فاقدحْ لأبناء الزنا بالزِّناد

4. If we controlled what we desire,
The path of right guidance would become clear.

٤. ولو ملكْنا أمرَنا في الذي
نرَى إذنْ بان طريقُ الرَّشاد

5. Alas, would that I were travelling
To scatter the saddle-bags and the luggage!

٥. فآهِ لو أجدَتْ على رحلةٍ
أفرِّقُ السّرجَ لها والبداد

6. To pitch my tent as a guest ,
At the protected borderland fortress,

٦. إلى حمى الفِسطاطِ لو صحَّ لي
نزلْتُ كلواذَ على كيقباد

7. A guest of the Eager One (God) whose praise is glorious,
Muhammad the Praised One, the Lord of open hands.

٧. ضيفًا على الراغبِ في حمدِه
محمدٍ المحمودِ ربِّ الأياد

8. The utmost of my hopes, with Yazid's wealth,
Was but to attain the goal of my desire in seeing him.

٨. أقصى الأماني بايزيدُ الغِنى
ولم أُرِدْ بعد لِقاهُ مُراد

9. He is the protector of beneficence, nay but a breath of the Merciful's own,
Nay, but a torrent of the years of grim misfortune.

٩. نابغةُ الإحسانِ بل نفحةُ الرْ
رَحمنِ بل غيثُ السنين الشداد