1. I grazed the king's inviolable preserve
And risked thereby a matter fraught with danger
١. رَعَيتُ حِمى المَلكِ المُتَّقى
فَرُمتُ بِذَلِكَ أَمراً كَبيرا
2. So the boy grew fat from that which was our due
And the rich filled his camel's belly fuller
٢. فَأَسمَنَ مِنّا الفَتى مُهرَهُ
وَأَبطَنَ ذو المالِ مِنّا البَعيرا
3. Then he sent men to hunt me down
But they all turned and fled when our steeds met
٣. فَوَجَّهَ في طَلَبي حِميَراً
فَوَلَّوا غَداةَ التَقَينا الظُهورا