1. God watered the days of my youth and passion
And the prime of my green adolescence - may it be a generous time!
١. سَقَى اللهُ أيَّامَ الصَّبَابَةِ وَالهَوَى
وَعًصرَ الشّبابِ الغَضِّ أكرِم بِهِ عَصرَا
2. Like clouds that pour down water in the dwellings of the garden
And cause the green leaves to grow on its branches.
٢. سَحَاباً يدِرّ المَاءَ في مَحلِ رَوضِهَا
وَيُنبِتُ فِي أَغصَانِهَا الوَرَقَ الخُضرَا
3. And it was generous with the wine that had no fault added
To its beauty except that it was bitter.
٣. وَجَادَ أَصِيلاً بالقصيبَة لَم يُضَف
إِلَى حُسنِهِ عَيبٌ سِوَى أنَّهُ مَرّا
4. When the sun reproached me and reproached my tormentor
With what reddened of it for sunset and what yellowed.
٤. إِذِ الشَّمسُ تَحكِينِي وَتَحكِي مُعَذِّبي
بِما احمَرَّ مِنهَا لِلغُرُوبِ وَمَا اصفَرّا
5. And the rest of my beloved and the lightning of his smile
And his languorous glance mixed wine for me.
٥. وراحَةُ مَن أهوَى وبَارِقُ ثَغرِهِ
وَلَحظَتُهُ الوَطفَاءُ تَمزِج لِي خَمرَا
6. Many cupbearers then stood around me
The wish of every pourer being that I prolong the drunkenness.
٦. فَقَامَت بِهِ حَولِي سقاةٌ كَثِيرَةٌ
مُنَى كُلِّ ساقٍ أن أمِيدَ لَهُ سُكرَا
7. So I did not know whether it was passion I was given to drink
Or whether it was the limpid or the bewitched wine.
٧. فَلَم أدرِ مِمَّا كنت أُسقَى هَل الهَوَى
شَرِبتُ أمِ الصَّهبَاءَ صِرفاً أمِ السِّحرَا
8. Greetings to that generous one and his goodness
However much the generous one refused and refused.
٨. سلامٌ عَلَى ذَاكَ الأَصِيلِ وَطِيبِهِ
يُرَدَّدُ مَا مَرَّ الأصِيلُ وَمَا مَرَّا