
Peace from the garden of peace

سلام من لدن روض السلام

1. Peace from the garden of peace
Specifically for you, O son of the Imam

١. سلامٌ مِن لَدُن رَوضِ السلام
يَخُصُّ ذَراكَ يا نَجلَ الإِمَامِ

2. It comes with the morning breeze every dawn
And flows in the evening with the clouds

٢. يَهُبُّ مَعَ النَّوَاسِمِ كُلّ صُبحٍ
وَيَسرِي بِالعَشِيِّ مَعَ الغَمامِ

3. When darkness clouds it, it flashes
The lightning of intellect in the gloom of darkness

٣. إذَا اعتَكَرَ الظلامُ عَلَيهِ أَورَى
زِنَادَ البَرقِ في غَسَقِ الظّلامِ

4. To inform about a heart in you that yearns
A pillar since between you it leaned

٤. لِيُخبِرَ عَن فُؤَادٍ فيكَ صَبٍّ
عَمِيدٍ مُنذُ بَينِك مُستَهامِ

5. And about a covenant the Master distanced Himself from
So the heart swooned for Him in passion

٥. وعَن عَهدٍ نَأى مَولاهُ عَنهُ
فلاحَ القَلبُ مِنهُ فِي غَرَامِ

6. Food and drink pass him by though they are sweet
And he dislikes food and drink

٦. تَمرُّ لَهُ المَطاعِمُ وَهيَ شَهدٌ
وَيضنَى بالشّرابِ وبالطّعامِ

7. Ready to fly in longing and desire
To you, but the pace of the doves stopped him

٧. تَهَيّأ كَي يَطيرَ هَوىً وَشَوقاً
إِلَيكَ فَعَأقَهُ سُوقُ الحَمَامِ

8. And I have a yearning like the yearning of birds
With it flew the determination of my limit and resolve

٨. وَلِي زُغبٌ كَزُغب الطَّيرِ فُلّت
بِهِنّ شَباةُ حَدِّي واعتِزَامِي

9. If I fall short then it is from lack of loyalty
And if the arrow misses, the feather is to blame

٩. فإِن أَقصِر فمن عَدَم المُوَالي
وإن السَّهم بِالرِّيش اللُّؤامِ

10. Whoever aspires to rise without wings
Is like one who mounts a skittish horse without reins

١٠. وَمَن رَامَ النُّهوضَ بلا جَنَاحٍ
كَمَن رَكِبَ الجَموحَ بلا لِجَامِ

11. And I have no choice but to journey
To your abode shedding feathers like ostriches

١١. وَإنِّي لا غِنًى لِي مِن مَسيرٍ
يَبُذُّ إلَيكُمُ رَتكَ النّعامِ

12. My pride is in visiting your home
And my humility in staying in my place

١٢. فَعِزِّي في الوُفودِ على ذَراكُم
وذلّي في الإِقامَةِ فِي مُقَامِي

13. The light of poetry has dimmed in your absence
And speech has dried up without your progeny

١٣. ذَوَى لِبِعَادِكُم نَورُ القَوَافِي
وَجَفّ لِبَنِكُم مَاءُ الكلامِ

14. Words cannot convey meaning to us
Nor can verse flow with composition

١٤. فَمَا تَحكِي لَنَا الألفَاظُ مَعنَى
ولا يَجرِي القَرِيضُ عَلَى نِظامِ

15. After you we met an age - what an age!
And this year without you - what a year!

١٥. لَقينَا الدَّهرَ بَعدَك أيَّ دَهرٍ
وَهَذَا العَامُ بَعدكَ أيُّ عَام

16. Its harm has drawn near and its benefit is far
A boon to villains and bane to the honorable

١٦. بَعِيدٌ نَفعُهُ دانٍ أذَاهُ
ظَهيرٌ لِلّئامِ عَلَى الكِرَامِ

17. I fear the fever of Valencia which once
Birds used to fly from it to the dovecotes

١٧. أخَاف حِمَى بَلَنسِيَةٍ وَكَانَت
تَطِيرُ بِهَا البُزاة عَلَى الحَمَامِ

18. And around it cavalry of Christians roamed
Though protected from you who guarded it

١٨. وجالَت حَولَها خَيلُ النَّصَارَى
وَكَانَت قَد حَماهَا مِنكَ حَامِ

19. They passed securely by its outskirts
Though they were afraid of you in their dreams

١٩. وَمَرّوا آمِنينَ بِجَنبَتَيهَا
وَكَانُوا يَرهبونَكَ فِي المَنَامِ

20. A den is not feared without a lion
Nor are tombs frightening without a sword

٢٠. وَمَا يُخشَى العَرِينُ بِغَيرِ لَيثٍ
وهَل يُخشَى القُرَابُ بلا حُسَامِ

21. It used not to fear turmoil within it
As if one were in the sacred precincts

٢١. وَكَانَت لا يُخَافُ الهَرجُ فِيهَا
كَأَن المَرء فِي البَلَدِ الحَرَامِ

22. Now to its inhabitants it gives no life
Except a life like that of doves

٢٢. فَأضحَت لا حَيَاةَ لِسَاكِنِيهَا
بِهَا إلا حياة كالحِمام

23. Our lord Abū Zayd who suckled us
The teat of righteousness and great bounties

٢٣. أسَيِّدَنا أبَا زَيدٍ رَضَعنَا
ثُدِي البِرِّ وَالنِّعَمِ الجِسَامِ

24. After his departure we became like old men
Returned to the bitterness of weaning

٢٤. فَصِرنَا بَعدَ رِحلَتِهِ كُهولاً
أُعِيدَ عَلَيهِمُ مُرُّ الفِطَامُ

25. He brought rain and protected the borders from enemies
May God protect him from poison and fever

٢٥. سَمَا وَحَمى الثّغورَ عَلَى الأعَادِي
رَعَاهُ اللهُ مِن سَامٍ وَحَامِ

26. O son of the rightly guided Caliph
And protector of our Imam best of all men

٢٦. فَيَا ابنَ خليفَةِ اللهِ المُصَفَّى
وَصِنوَ إِمَامِنَا خَيرِ الأنَامِ

27. Yours is the old wont of gaining glory
And unraveling great tribulations

٢٧. لَكُم عُرِفَ اقتِنَاءُ المَجدِ قِدماً
وَتَكشِيفُ المُلِمَّاتِ العِظَامِ

28. And raising known matters high
On firmly anchored lead ropes and clarifying affairs

٢٨. وَرَفعُ المَعلُومَاتِ عَلَى رَوَاسٍ
مُؤطّدَةٍ وَإيضاحُ المَعَامِي

29. No Qays ibn ‘Aylān whose father was
Dull in matters or imprudent

٢٩. وَمَا مَن قَيسُ عَيلانٍ أبُوهُ
بنابٍ فِي الأُمُورِ وَلا كَهام

30. Perhaps the servant errs at times
So he helps him catch the hints

٣٠. لَعَلَّ العَبدَ يَغلَطُ فِيهِ وَقتٌ
فَيُسعِفُهُ بِإدرَاكِ المَرَامش

31. And saves him from the injustice of twists
With a smooth, gentle, controlled bridle

٣١. وَيُنجِدُهُ عَلَى غَولِ الفَيَافِي
بِصهوَةِ وَاخِدٍ سَلِسِ الزَّمَام

32. To bring me tidings of receiving the gift of a king
At which my bones acknowledge the favor of his grace

٣٢. لِيُبلِغَنِي استلامَ بَنانِ مَلكٍ
تُقِرُّ بِفَضلِ نِعمَتِهِ عِظَامِي

33. That I may kiss the dust of his shoes and so fulfill
Some of my hopes by kissing their dust

٣٣. وَألثُمُ تُربَ نَعلَيه فأَقضِي
بِلَثمِ تُرَابِهَا بَعضَ الذِّمَامِ