1. A moon peered out, and the sky was its air
It filled the sights and souls with its splendor
١. قَمَرٌ تَطَلَّعَ والهَوَاءُ سماؤُه
مَلأَ النَّواظِرَ والنّفوسَ بَهاؤُه
2. Its journey and stay are disturbed by it
Its front and rear are too narrow for it
٢. يَرتَاعُ مِنهُ مَسيرُه ومُقامُهُ
وَيَضيقُ عنه أمامُهُ وَوَراؤُهُ
3. Its beauty nearly captures thoughts
Its light nearly snatches eyes
٣. وَيَكَادُ يَستَلِبُ الخَوَاطِرَ حُسنُهُ
وَيَكَادُ يَختَطِفُ العُيُونَ ضِيَاؤُهُ
4. When the crescent was blamed for its deficiency
It was pleased and its perfection and growth increased
٤. وَإذَا الأَهِلّةُ عُيّرَت لِمُحاقِها
أَرضَى وزَادَ كَمالُه وَنَماؤُهُ
5. Its movements and stillness yearn for it
٥. تَشتاقُه حَرَكَاتُهُ وَسُكُونُ
6. A Valencian lady for her master, who
His defense surrounded borders, and his singing overflowed
٦. لِتَتِه بَلَنسِيَةٌ بِسَيِّدِهَا الَّذِي
حَاطَ الثُّغُورَ دِفَاعُهُ وَغََناؤُهُ
7. He rises, so he heals the border from the harms of enemies
His leadership, his neighborliness, and his call
٧. يَرقي فَيَشفِي الثَّغرَ مِن لَمَمِ العِدا
إلمَامُهُ فَجِوارُهُ وَنِداؤُهُ
8. A country is adorned by him, for he
Dispels the darkness of its night with his brilliance
٨. يُزهَى بهِ بَلَدٌ حَوَاهُ لأنَّهُ
تَجلُو غياهِبَ لَيلِهِ لألأُؤُهُ
9. So his traits become clear in its regions
And his blessings pour into its corners
٩. فَتَبينُ في أَقطارِهِ أَوصافُه
وَتَفيضُ في أَرجائِهِ نَعماؤهُ
10. And a supported one makes its victory walls long in it
His opinions enrich it beyond its ramparts
١٠. وَيُطيلُ سُورَ النَّصرِ فِيهِ مُؤَيَّدٌ
تُغنِيهِ عن أسوَارِهِ آراؤُهُ
11. A volunteer who gives the elite his chastity
It's as if they are his partners in his money
١١. مُتَبِّرِّعٌ يُعطي الخِيَارَ عُفَاتَهُ
فَكَأنَّهُم فِي مَالِهِ شُرَكَاؤُهُ
12. Oh son of the two Imams, to whom
Pride of ancestry, its carpentry, and loyalty are attributed
١٢. يا ابنَ الإِمَامَينِ اللّذَينِ إِلَيهِمَا
نُسِبَ الفَخارُ نِجَارُهُ وَوَلاؤُهُ
13. He erected flags against the hostile misguidance
Until his purpose and moderation became clear
١٣. النّاصِبَينَ عَلَى الهُدَى أعلامَهُ
حَتّى تَبيّنَ قَصدُه وَسَوَاؤُه
14. And brother of the Caliph of Allah, who
His successors conveyed to him what they had pledged
١٤. وأخا الإِمامِ خَلِيفَةِ اللهِ الَّذِي
أدَّى إلَيهِ مَا رَعَت خُلَفاؤُهُ
15. His justice encompassed the lands and his singing watered
Both their rich and poor with his kindness
١٥. وَسِعَ البَرِيَّةَ عَدلُهُ وَاستَوسَقَت
لِغَنِّيهِم وَفَقِيرِهِم لآلاؤُهُ
16. The supporters of the victory of truth are his confederates
And the protectors of his territory, they are his trustees
١٦. كُفلاءُ نَصرِ الحَقِّ هُم أحلافُهُ
وحُمَاةُ حَوزَتِهِ وَهُم أُمَنَاؤُهُ
17. The sons of Ishmael, his covenant is with them
Remaining, and his promise and loyalty are true
١٧. أبنَاءُ إسمَاعِيلَ فِيهِم عَهدُهُ
باقٍ وَصَادِقُ وَعدِهِ وَوَفَاؤُهُ
18. From Qais 'Ailan, and what do know what
Qais is, it refined the religion of guidance and its loftiness
١٨. مِن قَيسِ عَيلانٍ وَمَا أدرَاكَ مَا
قَيسٌ سَنَا دِين الهُدَى وَسَنَاؤُهُ
19. They raised him as a cub, so they are his fathers
They looked after him grown, so they are his sons
١٩. رَبّوه منتشئاً فَهُم آباؤُهُ
وَرَعَوهُ مُكتَهِلاً فَهُم أبنَاؤُهُ
20. And theirs until the Day of Resurrection are his victory
And with them are his banners and governance
٢٠. وَعَلَيهِمُ حَتَّى القِيَامَةِ نصرُهُ
وَلَدَيهِم رَايَاتُهُ وَلِوَاؤُهُ
21. They are those who fight his enemies
Until they are humiliated before his might
٢١. وَهُم الَّذينَ يُقَاتِلُونَ عُداتَهُ
حَتَّى تَذِلّ لِعِزِّه أعدَارُهُ
22. And they restored his soul after
His life had despaired of getting better
٢٢. وهُمُ استَرَدّوا رُوحَه مِن بَعدِمَا
أشفَى عَلَى الحَيَاةِ ذَماؤُهُ
23. So the religion is turbaned upon him, its crown
Is honor, and its cloak drapes over him
٢٣. فَالدّينُ مَعصوبٌ عَلَيهِ تَاجُهُ
شَرَفاً وَمُنسَدِلٌ عَلَيهِ رِدَاؤُهُ
24. And the pillars of monotheism are the towering structure
And polytheism has collapsed and its building crumbled
٢٤. وَدَعَائِمُ التَّوحِيدِ سَامِيَةُ البِنا
وَالشِّركُ قَد أهوَى وَخرّ بِنَاؤُهُ
25. The selves and land of the enemy you seek
Not the enemy's bounty and settlement
٢٥. نَفسَ العَدُوِّ وَأرضَهُ أَو هَزمَهُ
تَبغُونَ لا نَعَمُ العَدُوِّ وشاؤُهُ
26. So if he obeys you, then you are his bliss
And if he refuses, then refusing is his misery
٢٦. فَإِذَا أطَاعَكُمُ فَأنتُم سَعدُهُ
وَإِذَا تأَبّى فَالإِبَاءُ شَقَاؤُهُ
27. And with you, the Glorious one is his remedy
No matter how his illness persists in misguidance
٢٧. وَلَدَيكُمُ بِالمَشرَفِيّ دَوَاؤُهُ
مَهمَا تَتَابَعَ في الضلالَةِ دَاؤُهُ
28. The abundance of his lies and fraud drive him astray
And his delusion prolongs him in his lostness
٢٨. تُغوِيهِ كَثرَةُ قَضَةِ وقَضِيضِهِ
وتمدّهُ فِي غيّهِ غَوغَاؤُه
29. Never will that lessen your resolve
For the flood is easier than its foam
٢٩. هَيهَاتَ لا يَثنِي بِذَلِكَ عَزمَكُم
فَالسَّيلُ أهوَنُ مَا عَلَيهش غُثَاؤُهُ
30. Can the command of Allah be blocked from you in what
He chooses of your victory and wills?
٣٠. أيَصُدّ أمر اللهِ عَنكُم فِي الّذي
يَختارُهُ مِن نَصرِكُم وَيَشَاؤُهُ
31. He gave it the lifetime of wishes in your postponing
So that it may return in its flooding with calm
٣١. أرخَى لَه طولَ المُنَى إِمهَالُكُم
كَيما يَفِيءَ بِغمرِهِ إِرخَاؤُهُ
32. So his obstinacy threw him into quicksand
And his delusions caused him to plunge into abysses
٣٢. فَرًمَت لَجاجَتُه بِهِ في لُجّةٍ
وَهَوَت بِهِ مِن حالِقٍ أهوَاؤُهُ
33. You postponed him for his day, and tomorrow is for you
Watching him morning and evening
٣٣. أمهَلتُمُوهُ لِيَومِهِ وَغدا لَكُم
عَيناً عَلَيه صَبَاحُهُ وَمَسَاؤُهُ
34. And we surely shake off the harm of disasters, and you averted them
With the deterrence of the Indian sword, its edge blazing
٣٤. وَلَقَد نَروعُ أذَى الخُطوبِ وَصَرفَهَا
بِكَ رَوعَةَ الهِندِيِّ حُدّ مَضَاؤُهُ
35. And we say to the world in a reaching voice
The words of your glory, its utterance and call
٣٥. وَنَقُولُ لِلدُّنيَا بِصَوتٍ بَالِغٍ
أَسمَاعَ مَجدِكَ لَفظُهُ وَدُعَاؤُهُ
36. Protect Abu Yahya for us and honor yourself
With meeting him as long as he remains in you
٣٦. صُونِي أبَا يَحيَى لَنَا وَتَشَرّفِي
بِلِقَائِهِ مادَامَ فِيكِ بَقَاؤُهُ
37. For there is a celebration that adorned your palace, bringing
Caravans of good news, their arrival and meeting
٣٧. فَهَناكَ عِيدٌ زَانَ قَصرَكَ جَالِباً
وَفدَ البَشَائِرِ وَفدُهُ ولقاؤهُ
38. And to you from a grateful, satisfied servant
Whose praise and commendation of you never fade
٣٨. وَإلَيكَهَا مِن عَبدٍ قِنٍّ شَاكِرٍ
ما إِن يغِبُّكَ حَمدُهُ وَثَنَاؤُهُ
39. He gifted the ode with the poem, and wished that
Instead of its lines were its dots
٣٩. أهدَى الصّحيفَةَ بالقَرِيضِ وَوَدّ لَو
كانَت مكان سُطورِها حَوبَاؤُهُ