
A flash of lightning lit up the gloomy night,

أضاء ببرقة برق لموع

1. A flash of lightning lit up the gloomy night,
And its flickering light awoke the sleeping heights,

١. أضاء بِبُرقَةٍ بَرقٌ لَموعُ
فَأَرَّقَةُ وَصُحبَتُهُ هُجوعُ

2. Like an eyebrow's gesture on the day we parted,
Bidding farewell while others stayed, unheeded.

٢. كَإِيمَاءِ الحَوَاجِبِ يَومَ بَينٍ
بِتَسلِيمٍ وَقَد غَفَلَ الجَمِيعُ

3. As if a lovesick lute spilled flames that seethed,
And molten metal on its frets was poured.

٣. كَأنَّ رَبابَهُ الجَونِيّ أعيا
فَصُبّ عَلَيهِ مِن لَهَبٍ قَطِيعُ

4. As if the skies were struck by two sharp blades
And blood ran down their groaning battlements.

٤. كَأَنَّ الجَو صُكّ بِصَارِمَيهِ
فَسَالَ عَلَى حَنَادِسِهِ النّجيعُ

5. As if the wind raced horses through the gloam,
Their torches held by hands urging them on.

٥. كَأنّ الرّيحَ تَجري فِيهِ خَيلٌ
بِأيدِي الرَّاكِضَاتِ لَهَا شُموعُ

6. It cracked the granite of the mount's stout heart,
For tremors born within it were not few.

٦. شَجا صدعُ السَّنَا فِيهِ فُؤَاداً
لِرَوعَاتِ النَّوَى فِيهِ صُدُوعُ

7. It brought back days when crows, young and naive,
Nested in meadows of its chastity.

٧. تَذَكّرَ إِذ شَبِيبَتُهُ غُرابٌ
لَهُ فِي رَوضِ عِفّتِهِ وُقُوعُ

8. When loved ones lived nearby and often came,
Though steep the paths and difficult to scale.

٨. وَإذ مَرمَى غَوَانِيهِ قَرِيبٌ
إلَيهِ وَخَطوً هِمَّتِهِ ذَرِيعُ

9. When life was like a docile, quiet wadi,
Though virtue built around it many a keep.

٩. وَإذ وَادِي صَبَابَتِهِ مَرِيعٌ
عَلَيهِ لِلتّقَى حِصنٌ مَنِيعُ

10. But youth, when gone, does not come back anew,
And none can stop time's wheel its course pursuing.

١٠. وَلَكِنّ الشَّبَابَ إِذَا تَوَلَّى
فَصَعبٌ أَن يَكُونَ لَهُ رُجُوعُ

11. When will denies me power to change one thing,
Patience alone remains for me to wield.

١١. وَمَن لَم يَستَطِع رَدّاً لِشَيءٍ
فَإِنَّ الصَّبرَ عَنهُ يَستَطِيعُ

12. If appetite and greed try to misguide,
Contentment is an angel kind and true.

١٢. إِذَا شَيطَانُ أَطمَاعِي عَصَانِي
فإنَّ قَنَاعَتِي مَلَكٌ مُطِيعُ

13. And those the feet of death have come upon,
Are but that proud and noble falcon freed.

١٣. وَمَن وَطِئَتهُ أَقدَامُ المَنَايَا
فَإِنِّي ذَلِكَ النّيقُ الرَّفِيعُ

14. Though time may twist its flowing current awry,
My will shall dam its tide like branches hewed.

١٤. وَإن صَالَ الزّمانُ فإِِنَّ عَزماً
لَدّيّ الأَنفِ صَولَتِهِ جَدُوعُ

15. Though lands may narrow, life has bread and meat,
And generous, righteous acts that I may do.

١٥. وَإِن تَضِقِ البلادُ فَثَمّ عَيشٌ
وَثَمَّ مَهَامِهٌفِيحٌ وَرِيعُ

16. Though clouds may muster, twisting verse's rhyme
Can sprout thick banks of clouds when ink is spewed.

١٦. وَإن مَحَلَ الغَمَامُ فَلِلقَوَافِي
غَمَامٌ نَبتُ مَسقَطِهِ مَرِيعُ

17. Gardens of thought still yield their fruit diverse,
As showers of the spring their life renew.

١٧. وَلَم يُمحِل رِيَاضُ بَنَاتِ فِكرٍ
وَمَاءُ أبِي الرَّبيعِ لَهَا رَبِيعُ

18. Still rise the sister stars in glory's sky,
Their radiant dawn breaks on the edge of blue.

١٨. ولا أخوَت نُجُومُ سَمَاءِ مَجدٍ
لَهَا مِن أُفقِ سُؤدَدِهِ طُلُوعُ

19. Full-fed, his chastity will sleep in peace,
When dearth and hunger spread their dismal hue.

١٩. تَنَامُ عُفَاتُهُ شِبَعاً وَرَيّاً
إذَا ذادَ الكَرَى ظَمَأ وَجوعُ

20. His gifts pour seas when teardrops are but drops,
His orchards grow heavy when branches are few.

٢٠. وَيُورِدُ مِن مَوَاهِبِهِ بِحَاراً
إذَا يَبِسَت منَ الشّظفِ الدُّمُوعُ

21. Nurses forget their young and mothers' hearts
Will not be filled when udders give no dew.

٢١. ويُجنَى دوحُ أنعمه رطَابا
إِذا اصفَرَّت عَلَى الغُصنِ الفُروعُ

22. He tends the marches, no dissenting hearts,
No wealth is wasted, no man swerves untrue.

٢٢. وأُذهلَتِ المَرَاضِعُ عَن بَنِيهَا
وَأنسِيَ أمَّهُ الضَّرعَ التَّبِيعُ

23. But grace of God has spread o'er all instead,
And every tribe gives thanks in chorus due.

٢٣. رَعَى أمرَ الثُّغورِ فَلا قُلُوبٌ
تُخالِفُهُ ولا مَالٌ يَضِيعُ

24. None but denies by his own artifice,
Though intentions fair may meet fortunes rude.

٢٤. وَلَكن مِنّة لِلّهِ عَمَّت
وَأعلَنَ شكرَهَا المَلأُ الجَمِيعُ

25. One whose nature is to raven and rend
May gift a torrent when his mood comes true.

٢٥. وَمََن يَجحَد فَمَا حُرِمَ اصطِنَاعاً
وَلَكِن رُبَّمَا خابَ الصَّنِيعُ

26. Raiment of reverence makes him a defender,
By him the armorer's craft is given its due.

٢٦. إذ استشرى سَطَا ليثٌ هَصورٌ
وَإن أعطَى هَمَىغيثٌ هَمُوعُ

27. His strength has forged a sword to smite and sever,
With it the mailcoat and the helm lie hewed.

٢٧. تَسَربَلَ مِن مَهَابَتِهِ دلاصاً
يُفَلّ بِهَا السُّرَيجيُّ الصَّنيعُ

28. In gloom, his blade will strike his foeman ever,
For at its lifting, many dead accrue.

٢٨. وَأصلَتَ مِن عَزِيمَتِهِ حُساماً
تُقَدُّ بِهِ الجَوَاشِنُ وَالدُّروعُ

29. Some prostrate low before his might and power,
Some bow their heads in humbleness anew.

٢٩. فَمَهمَا ثَارَ فِي جَوٍّ قَتامٌ
فَفِيهِ لرَفعِ شَفرَتِهِ صَرِيعُ

30. He tames wild souls, serene and suppliant made,
Meekness and awe upon their faces grew.

٣٠. لَهُ فِي سُوقِهِم طَوراً سُجُودٌ
وَفِي هَامَاتِهِم طَوراً رُكُوعُ

31. Had that Defender given him the throne,
A trustee he'd be, no breach of trust he'd do.

٣١. سَمِيُّ مُسَخّرِ الأروَاحِ فِيهِ
مِنَ الهَدي السَّكِينَةُ وَالخُشوعُ

32. Tomorrow we'd be his ribs protecting all,
Be they of ivory or basalt hue.

٣٢. فَلَو وَلاّه ذاكَ الملكَ وَلّى
أَمِينا لا يخونُ ولا يَضِيعُ

33. Kindness he shows, as ribs curve round the heart,
No deficiency reveals their form, 'tis true.

٣٣. غَدا قَلباً وَنَحنُ لَهُ ضُلوعٌ
تَحُفّ بِهِ فَدَانٍ أَو شَسُوعُ

34. Our chiefs, how well their reins have bound us fast,
Obedience worn while hard their burdens grew!

٣٤. وَلكِن بِرُّهُ يَحنو عَلَينَا
كَمَا تَحنو عَلَى القَلبِ الضُّلُوعُ

35. We reaped beneath your shade rich harvests' gain,
No fear to haunt, alarm us nor subdue.

٣٥. أَقَائِدَنَا لَكَم قيدَت إلَينَا
أمَانٍ فِي أزِمِّتها خَضُوعُ

36. Your advent made existence bloom afresh,
As rain on meadows makes their green renew.

٣٦. قَطَفنا فِي ظلالِكُمُ جَناها
ولا خَطبٌ يَعُوقُ ولا يَرُوعُ

37. Your favor was our intercessor's robe
When pressed by nights - great favors you bestow!

٣٧. حَيِينَا بانتِجاعِكُمُ حَيَاةً
كَقَطرِ الغيثِ مَوقِعُهُ نَجيعُ

38. May He who rewards all good repay you well,
For payment from our hands will not accrue.

٣٨. وَكَان شَفِيعَنَا عِندَ اللَّيَالِي
رَجَاؤُكُمُ فَيَا نِعمَ الشَّفِيعُ

39. And blessings as the Feast of Sacrifice dawns anew!
Its radiant morn adorned by your light's hue.

٣٩. جَزَاكُم شَاكِرُ الإِحسَانِ عَنَّا
فَإِنَّ جَزَاءَكُم لا نَستَطِيعُ

40. Your gifts at hand for slaughter offerings made,
Your perfumes spread as fires of good works strew.

٤٠. وَهَنَّأكُم بِغُرّة عيدِ نَحرٍ
لِرِونَقِهَا بِبَهجَتِكُم سُطُوعُ

41. Last long your days, while lightning cleaves the clouds,
And gloom is pierced by gleam when nights are through!

٤١. مَنَائِحُ جودِكُم فِيهِ تُضَحّي
وَصَائِكُ طِيبِكُم فِيهِ يَضُوعُ

٤٢. وَدُمتُم مَا حَدَا بَرقٌ سَحَاباً
وَمَا جَلّى دُجَى لَيلٍ صَدِيعُ