
O my friend, how ungenerous is my friend to me!

يا صاحبي وما البخيل بصاحبي

1. O my friend, how ungenerous is my friend to me!
These are the abodes, so where are those tears?

١. يَا صَاحِبيّ وَمَا البَخِيلُ بِصَاحِبِي
هَذِي الدِّيَارُ فَأَينَ تِلكَ الأَدمُعُ

2. We pass by the dwelling places and do not weep over them,
Yet they are the abodes of my people and the four.

٢. أنَمُرُّ بِالعَرَصَاتِ لا نَبكِي بِهَا
وَهيَ المَنَازِلُ مِنهُمُ وَالأَربُعُ

3. Alas! Neither the morning breeze nor the birds of yearning
Call after them, chirping.

٣. هَيهَاتَ لا رِيحُ الصَّبَابَةِ بَعدَهُم
رَهوٌ ولا طَيرُ التَّشَوُّقِ وُقَّعُ

4. They swore by the magic of their eyelids on my heart
That desire continues to bleed it and shatter it.

٤. حَلَفُوا عَلَى قَلبِي بِسِحرِ جُفُونِهِم
لا زَالَ يَنزِفُهُ الهَوَى وَيُصَدَّعُ

5. Desire insisted on stirring restlessness in me,
As if saying: Where is the stirring from them?

٥. وَأبَى الهَوَى إلاَّ الحُلُولَ بِلَعلَعٍ
وَيحَ المَطَايَا أينَ مِنهَا لَعلَعُ

6. I did not know where they went, so I did not ask the winds,
Blowing, or a lightning flash, gleaming, about them.

٦. لَم أَدرِ أينَ نَوَوا فَلَم أَسال لَهُم
رِيحاً تَهُبُّ ولا بَرِيقاً يَلمَعُ

7. As though they are, in every flowering meadow,
People of delicacy and tenderness over it.

٧. وَكَأنَّهُم فِي كُلِّ مَدرَجِ نَاسِمٍ
فَعَلَيهِ مِنهُم رِقَّةٌ وَتضَوُّعُ

8. And if I bid them peace, the four winds hasten
To convey it from me to them.

٨. وإذَا مَنَحتُهُمُ السلامَ تَبَادَرَت
تَبلِيغَهُ عَنِّي الرِّيَاحُ الأربَعُ