
O my brother, chivalry has gone from us

زخارف القول

1. O my brother, chivalry has gone from us
Its edifice destroyed by the departure of the noble ones

١. يا أخي غابت المروءةُ عنَّا
هَدَّ بنيانها رحيلُ الكِرامِ

2. Say to whoever would buy dishonor as a shield
To protect his body from the swords of villains

٢. قُلْ لمَنْ يشتري المَهانةَ دِرْعاً
كي تقي جِسْمَهُ سيوفَ اللِّئامِ

3. For the craven there is no life in fear
You are dead even if you live a thousand years

٣. ليْسَ في الخوفِ للذَّليلِ حياةٌ
أنتَ ميْتٌ وإنْ تَعِشْ ألفَ عامِ

4. Sweet words have deceived us until
No eyelid is moistened with the balm of dreams

٤. خَدَعَتْنا زخارفُ القَوْلِ حتَّى
لَمْ تَفُزْ مُقْلَةٌ بِطيبِ المَنامِ