
She said, I see you reproach me though I've done no wrong,

معايير النساء

1. She said, I see you reproach me though I've done no wrong,
And many women there are who are less than me.

١. قالتْ أراكَ وما أذْنَبْتُ تَهجوني
وفي النساء كثيرٌ هُنَّ مِنْ دوني

2. You described me with traits that stirred up my grievance,
And saw not my roses and jasmine bouquet.

٢. وصَفْتَني بِسِماتٍ أيقظَتْ عَتَبي
وما نظرتَ إلى وَرْدي ونِسْريني

3. So I said, I've no charm in love to intercede for me,
No dinars in my pocket to sanctify me.

٣. فقلتُ لا وجهَ لي في الحُبِّ يَشْفَعُ لي
ولا دنانيرَ في جيْبي تُزَكِّيني

4. For women have standards by which they measure
Men's love, devoid of reason and religion.

٤. وللنساءِ معاييرٌ يَقسْنَ بها
حُبُّ الرِّجالِ بلا عَقْلٍ ولا دينِ