1. The slanderers attacked my spirit with their malice,
And fabricated a shameful tale about me,
١. رَمى الوشاةُ بداءِ الحقدِ روْحاتي
وزَوَّروا قصَّةً عوراءَ عن ذاتي
2. Excessively they resorted to all kinds of lies and trivialities,
Even attributing their own sins to me.
٢. وأسْرفوا في ضروبِ الزَّيفِ وابتذلوا
حتَّى خطيئاتِهم قالوا خطيئاتي
3. I said: you taught me foolishness since my childhood,
And selling my heart to you was one of my follies.
٣. فقلتُ علَّمتموني الحُمقَ من صِغَري
وبَيْعُ قلبي لكُمْ إحدى حماقاتي
4. So how can love sprout when it draws lies,
And some of its soil is the mud of betrayals.
٤. فكيف ينْبُتُ حُبُّ يستقي كذباً
وبعضُ تُرْبَتِهِ وَحْلُ الخيانات