
Who should blame me for loving, blaming with falsehood

من عاذري في الحب من عاذل

1. Who should blame me for loving, blaming with falsehood
He distances me while he is connected in his absence to the noble connector

١. مَن عاذِري في الحُبِّ مِن عاذِلٍ
يَشوبُ حُبّي فيهِ بِالباطِلِ

2. A critic targeted my heart as a martyr to desire
With an arrow lethal to passion

٢. يَسُومُنِي هَجراً لِمَن وَصلُه
في هَجره مِن شَرَفِ الواصِلِ

3. My waist is like two palms where
Sorrow established its body in my slender frame

٣. رِيمٌ رَمى مُحتَسِباً لِلوَرى
قَلبِي بِسَهمٍ لِلهَوى قاتِلِ

4. A secret hidden by love in an eyelid
Which its tears revealed it to the dreamer

٤. ناحِل خصرَين هُما أَثبَتا
جسم الضَنى في جِسمِيَ الناحِلِ

5. How strange is the inhabitant of my eyelid
That he survived its flowing tears

٥. سِرٌّ طَواهُ الحُبُّ فِي مُقلَةٍ
باحَت بِهِ في دِمعِها الهامِلِ

6. Present yet so far, the distance
From this year to the next

٦. يا عَجَباً مِن ساكِنٍ مُقلَتي
كَيفَ نَجا مِن دِمعِها السائِلِ

7. Patience has left me, so I say
About the fleeting with the fleeting

٧. وَحاضِر فيها وَمَن دُونِهِ
مَسافَةُ العامِ إِلى القابِلِ

8. Oh how I bear such agony
That the strongest bearer cannot withstand

٨. زالَ فَزالَ الصَبرُ عَنّي فقُل
في فجعَةِ الزائِلِ بِالزائِلِ

9. Yearning for days when I enjoyed reason
And companionship of the wise

٩. آهٍ لَما حُمِّلتُ مِن لَوعَةٍ
لَم تَحتَمِلها قُوَّةُ الحامِلِ

10. I listen with time to my pleasure
And not to the blamer

١٠. لَهفي عَلى عَصرٍ صَحِبتُ الهَوى
فيهِ هَنيئاً صُحبَةَ العاقِلِ

١١. أَصغِي مَعَ الدَهر إِلى لَذّتي
فيهِ وَلا أصغي إِلى العاذِلِ