
A youth, if the steeds of his fortune race among men

فتى إن جرت في الناس أفراس سعده

1. A youth, if the steeds of his fortune race among men
It grieves them that his dust should fly;

١. فتى إن جرت في الناس أفراسُ سعده
يشق عليهم أن يشق غبارها

2. And if he is generous, he feels no shame at the open-handedness of his right hand
Save the clouds, when they let loose their torrents.

٢. وإن جاد لم يخجل لجود يمينه
سوى السحب لما أن تصوب غزارها

3. So he returns to his hopeful suitors and has won wealth,
And every hand outstretched to him he fills.

٣. فيرجع راجيه وقد فاز بالغنى
فكل يمين من نداه يسارها