
I remembered the daughter of Sa'di in memory, and below her

ذكرتُ ابنة السعدي ذكرى ودونها

1. I remembered the daughter of Sa'di in memory, and below her
The departure of Jabir, and my family took the russet camels

١. ذَكرتُ اِبنَةَ السَعدِيِّ ذِكرى وَدونَها
رَحا جابِرٍ وَاِحتَلَّ أَهلي الأَداهِما

2. So the resolve of Qutayyat's when the condition was good
To Ka'bsha of Ma'ruf, so lead on!

٢. فَحَزمُ قُطَيّاتِ إِذِ البالُ صالحٌ
فَكَبشَةَ مَعروفٍ فَغولا فَقادِما