
O time of reversed affairs and changed conditions

يا زمان العكس قلاب الأمور

1. O time of reversed affairs and changed conditions
Only the nests of eagles remain

١. يا زمان العكس قلاب الأمور
ما بقت إلا عشيشات النّسور

2. And desire is manifest, and the anklets of coquetry
Its market is the club, and a drummer revolves

٢. والهوى بادي وخلخال الخنا
سوقه النّادي وطبّال يدور

3. How much advice appeared in rebuilding the bridges
Our Lord is Gracious, Forgiving, Merciful

٣. كم تبدّى النّصح في ردّ الجسور
ربّنا الدّاري وسمّاح غفور

4. Tell the tempter of desire to avoid the false paths
We are not heedless of all fraud

٤. قل لنسناس الهوى خلّ المزور
بالنا لاهيّ عن كلّ بزور

5. Leave your remembrance and the people of prohibition
Where is that time from these times?

٥. خلّي ذكراك وأرباب النهى
أين ذاك الدهر من هذي الدهور

6. We did not see gratitude, but loss benefited
Let it graze, and leave behind arrogance

٦. ما رأينا الشكر وأفاد النّصب
خلّها ترعى ودع عنك الغرور

7. The drummer of desire said after its descent
Leave behind your deceptions, your jealous hunter

٧. قال لطبّال الهوى بعده نزول
خلّ عنك الخدع صيّادك غيور

8. Your soul has thrown you to the winds of eras
Its sea is turbulent and its affairs are murky

٨. قد رمتك النّفس في ريح الدّيور
بحرها طامي وغدّاق الأمور

9. How much an illusion the ignorant thought joy
His hopes were dashed by wrongdoing and falsehood

٩. كم سراب ظنه الظّامي سرور
خاب مسعاه على غيّ وزور

10. I had resolve with the Sheikh of loyalty
Who lends to the loyal with words: “Be cautious”

١٠. كان لي حزم على شيخ الوفا
يسلف الوافي بقولٍ كن حذور

11. Of an era that commands aloofness and avoidance
Its essence is bitter and its ravens are eagles

١١. من زمان يملك العزّ النَّفور
صفوه مرّ وغربانه نسور

12. Time has verified for us the past of ancestry
And the arrows of the vile have lengthened with feathers

١٢. حقّق الدّهر لنا ماضي السّلف
ورماة الوغد طالت بالزعور

13. I became like flashing lightning that has no shelter
Even if the trace of guidance is erased under the veils

١٣. صرت برقاً خلَّباً ماله جنا
وإن محى رسم الهدى تحت الخدور

14. Oh nights that have wrongfully bound a slave
Their color is weary and their visions are illusions

١٤. يا ليالٍ وزّت عبداً بزور
لونها قاني ورؤياها غرور

15. Making a claim but their claim is deficient
Its hopes were dashed and the warrens were sealed

١٥. تدّعي دعوى ودعواها قصور
خاب مسعاها ولمّمات الحجُور

16. The light of guidance from us has shone
And the sea of misguidance has cleared before us

١٦. قد بدا نور الهدى منّا وعمّ
وانجلى بحر الرّدى عنّا مرور

17. And God has praised our protecting Master
Who gave life to the land through flowing rivers

١٧. وأثني الله مولّينا النّعم
من حيا الأرض بجريان الغدُور