
To you the pioneer of glory and destiny resorts

إليك تداعى رائد الجاه والقدر

1. To you the pioneer of glory and destiny resorts
And from you the eminent borrowed the ornaments of pride

١. إِليك تداعى رائد الجاهِ والقَدْرِ
ومنك استعارَ الفاخرونَ عُرَى الفَخْرِ

2. And your days, O young moon, looked upon the world
As the blossoms in the green gardens in their brightest robes

٢. وأيَّامُكَ الغرُّ اطّلعنَ على الورى
جلاءَ الرِّياضِ الخُضْرِ في حُلَلِ الزَّهر

3. Clothe the servants of God in a garment of new bounty
That renews through it the newness of time

٣. تسربلْ عبيدَ الله سربالَ نعمةٍ
مُجَدَّدَةٍ تَبْلَى بها جِدَّةُ الدَّهْرِ

4. And live for building generosity and glory taking
From this and that the rising place of the sun and the moon

٤. وَعِشْ لبناءِ الجودِ والمجدِ آخذاً
بهذا وهذا مأَخَذَ الشَّمْسِ والبدر

5. You rose in the brilliant morning with the most auspicious rising
So the plenty smiled in the time you smiled in poverty

٥. طَلَعْتَ على الأَضحى بأَيْمَنِ طالعٍ
فضَحَّى الغنى في وقتِ ضَحَّيْتَ بالفقر

6. Thus you both became a feast - this for the striving servant
And bounty - and this for the prayer and the sacrifice

٦. فأَصبحتما عيد بن هذا لمجتدٍ
وَجَدْوَى وهذا للصلاةِ وللنَّحْرِ

7. My praise, when you attain it, precedes praise
And my gratitude, when you attain it, precedes gratitude

٧. نداكَ إِذا حصَّلْتُهُ سابقُ النَّدى
وشكري إِذا حَصَّلْتَهُ سابقُ الشكر

8. And I have not seen the like of poetry bring bounty
To one longing for it, especially my poetry

٨. ولم أَرَ مثلَ الشِّعْرِ أَجْلَبَ للغنى
إِلى راغبٍ فيه ولا سيَّما شعري