
My state is like gilded leather

رب حال كأنها مذهب الديباج

1. My state is like gilded leather
It has become as delicate as the most delicate silk

١. رب حالِ كأنها مُذْهَبُ الديبا
جِ صارت من رقّة كاللاَّذِ

2. And time, as beautiful as a generous man's daughter
Has returned in my eyes like one who returns

٢. وزمانٍ مثل ابنةِ الكرم حسناً
عاد عند العيون مثلَ الدَاذي

3. Or is it not from the corruption of nights' opinions
That my hair is like this and my state is like this

٣. أَوَمَا من فسادِ رأي الليالي
أن شعْري هذا وحاليَ هذي