1. My guise was cast off for love of you,
Hearing became like seeing.
١. أُلقِيَ في حُبِّكَ القناعُ
وصار كالرّؤْيَةِ السَّماعُ
2. Our secret, which we never thought
Would spread, was broadcast.
٢. وذاعَ من سِرِّنا الذي ما
كُنَّا نرى أَنَّهُ يُذاع
3. We have both discarded inhibition;
No watchman is feared, no critic obeyed.
٣. وقد خَلَعْنَا فلا رقيبٌ
يُخْشَى ولا عاذلٌ يُطاع
4. Our conversation has become an embrace;
Messages and letters are over.
٤. صارتْ مناجاتُنا شفاهاً
وانقضتِ الرُّسْلُ والرِّقاع
5. My night visitor hurried away bidding farewell -
How excellent was that farewell!
٥. وأسرعتْ سلوتي وداعاً
فحبَّذا ذلك الوداع
6. O you whom I sold my heart to,
Had it not been for passion, it would not have been sold.
٦. يا ذا الذي بعتُهُ فؤاداً
لولا الهوى لم يكنْ يُباع
7. Since you joined me, your company has been a treasure;
Only your absence is common.
٧. وَصْلُكَ لي مذ وَصَلْتَ فِرْزٌ
وإنما هَجْرُكَ المُشَاع
8. The more knotty problems have built up between us,
the more extensive has my experience become.
٨. وكلَّما زاد فيك عَقْدٌ
من كُلَفٍ زاد فيَّ باع
9. Not at all! I follow your approval until,
of what I see, there is no possibility of further following.
٩. لا واتّباعي رضاكَ حتى
لم يبقَ فيما أرى اتّباع
10. When we look on you as a roe deer that dies under the looks of wild beasts,
A roe deer whose heart is captured by its glance.
١٠. ما إن رأينا سواكَ ظبياً
يموتُ من لحظِهِ السباع
11. A black doe whose belly is filled with a fetus
and whose uterus contains guile.
١١. ظبيٌ تُراعُ القلوبُ منه
والظبيُ من ظلِّه يُراع
12. The delight of beauty for one athirst,
no delight can match it after it.
١٢. ذو وَجْنَةٍ مِلْؤُها عُرَامٌ
ومقلةٍ حَشْوُها خِداع
13. Look, my brother, at his face - you look
at a light for him in the darkness' disclosure.
١٣. متاعُ حُسْنٍ لمستشفٍّ
باللحظِ ما بَعْدَهُ مَتَاع
14. If you don't believe me, then propose to buy him
and see who it is that can acquire him in the sale.
١٤. طالعْ أخي وجهه تُطالِعْ
نوراً له في الدجى اطِّلاع
15. For us to neglect a day of joy would be disastrous -
that day which is neglected is lost.
١٥. إن لم تُصَدِّقْ فهاتِ بايعْ
وانظر لمن يحصلُ البياع
16. So stand up that we may pluck it like a bride
whose dower follows her in abandon.
١٦. وبعد ذا فالمضيعُ منّا
يومَ سرورٍ هُوَ المضاع
17. A fire appeared blazing in a niche of light
without even a spark leaping out.
١٧. فقمْ لنفتضَّها عروساً
تبع في مهرها الضِّياع
18. It plunges the lamps' flame underwater
until it drowns in its own light.
١٨. نارٌ بَدَتْ في إِناء نورٍ
لها وما شَعْشِعَتْ شُعاع
19. It is the wine that does not cause headache,
but rather cures headache when it occurs.
١٩. تغمرُ نورَ الصُّوَاعِ حتى
تغرَقَ في نُورها الصُّواع
20. The meadows have composed their anklets' jewelry
and spread out their bracelets over the plains.
٢٠. ما صدَّع الرأسَ من شرابِ
فهيَ يُداوى بها الصُّداع
21. So for me the flowers in the garden are a carpet
and the clouds in the sky are my sail.
٢١. قد نظَّمَتْ حَلْيَها الروابي
ونشَّرَتْ وَشْيَها البقاع
22. Look how the skilled workmanship has disclosed
a scene whose constructor was Grace.
٢٢. فالزهرُ في الروضِ لي بساط
والغيمُ في الجوِّ لي شراع
23. The vegetation extends under the dew
and the dew extends over it.
٢٣. انظرْ إلى منظرٍ تَوَلَّتْ
صَنْعته مُزنَةٌ صَناعُ
24. Our land has been purified and purified
have its marshes and hillocks.
٢٤. للنَّبْتِ تحتَ الندى اضطجاعٌ
وللندى فَوْقَهُ اضطجاع
25. Those songs were gladdened
and those open spaces burst out laughing.
٢٥. طابتْ لنا فارثٌ وطابت
وهادُها الخضرُ والتِّلاع
26. As for her orchard - my eyes can never
refrain from feasting on its spectacle.
٢٦. استبشرت تلكمُ المغاني
واستضحكتْ تلكمُ الرِّباع
27. Thirsting souls are watered by it,
and hungry eyes are fed.
٢٧. وذاك بستانُها الذي ما
للطَّرْفِ عن أَمْرِه امتناع
28. The discourse of its birds is shouting
and the playing of its trees is skirmishing.
٢٨. تروى النفوسُ العطاشُ منه
وتشبعُ الأعينُ الجِياع
29. The sound of its wheel is
music to us when music escapes us.
٢٩. حديثُ أطيارِهِ صياحٌ
ولعبُ أشجارِهِ صِراع
30. O garden! Once it was expanded, well,
no garden can equal its spaciousness.
٣٠. وصوتُ دولابه سماعٌ
لنا إذا فاتنا السَّماع
31. Neither does rain neglect it for an instant
nor does rain know what dryness is.
٣١. يا جنةً وُسِّعَتْ فما إِن
لجنةٍ عندها اتِّساع
32. Rather, the clouds pour out abundant generosity over it,
quenching arid and desolate terrain.
٣٢. لا أزْمَعَ الغيثُ عنكِ بَيْناً
ولا درى الغيثُ ما الزِّماع
33. The generosity of Ali Abu al-Husayn - that gallant man
whose nature is generosity.
٣٣. بل جاد بالريِّ فيك جوداً
تروى به قارةٌ وَقَاع
34. The Sayyid, the patriarch whose candor
causes even the cheekbones of their skulls to shine.
٣٤. جودُ عليٍّ أبي الحسين ال
فتى الذي جودُهُ طِباع
35. Valiant, expending his utmost vigor
so that his utmost vigor suffices even when efforts redouble.
٣٥. السيدُ القُرْعَةُ الذي عن
سُؤدَدِه ينجلي القِراع
36. Defending it with a defense
that crashes against the defenders with an onslaught.
٣٦. مماصعٌ في العلى مِصاعاً
يضيقُ ذرعاً به المِصاع
37. The prevailing lion - indeed there are no timid cattle
in the eyes of lions.
٣٧. مدافعاً دونها دفاعاً
يقرع سنّاً له الدفاع
38. For insight, his glance ignites;
for knowledge, his words gather momentum.
٣٨. الأسَدُ المستفاضُ إِنّ ال
أسودَ في عينه ضِباع
39. Master of judiciousness, master of resolve,
his undertaking shows complete penetration.
٣٩. للفهم في لحظهِ اتّقادٌ
للعلم في لَفظِهِ التماع
40. O Hashimi, O ever-ready hero, may
the Hero, your father, be glorified.
٤٠. ضليعُ حزمٍ ضليعُ عزمٍ
له بما يعملُ اضطلاع
41. O you whose decisions brook no reversal
when resolved and whose orders meet compliance.
٤١. الهاشميُّ اليفاعُ مجداً
يا بأبي مجدُه اليَفاع
42. With unwavering determination, whose thrusts admit no recoil,
no falling short of their mark, no fallback.
٤٢. حُكْمُ الذي في لهاهُ ماضٍ
وأمرُهُ عندها مطاع
43. Thus what he defends cannot be infringed
and what he protects is unviolable.
٤٣. ذو عزمةٍ ما لها ارتدادٌ
دون مَداها ولا ارتجاع
44. He who is slow to act frees himself quickly with words
while his words flow rapidly.
٤٤. فما أضاعت فليس يُحمَى
وما حَمَتْه فما يُضاعُ
45. His gold seems counterfeit in earthenware
just as his ugliness seems handsome in generosity.
٤٥. يَفديه مَن فِعْلُه بطيءٌ
جداً وأقوالُه سِراع
46. O noble lord of probity,
not of probity that began with innovation!
٤٦. دينارُه في الفخارِ فَلْسٌ
وَكُرُّهُ في السماح صاع
47. You were congratulated throughout your life by a hero
and a hero lived congratulated by you.
٤٧. يا سيداً سؤدداً أصيلاً
لا سؤدداً أصْلُهُ ابتداع
48. The more your two stars rose,
the more impossible it was for stars to rise higher.
٤٨. غُبِطْتَ ما عشتَ في شجاعٍ
وعاش في غبطةٍ شجاع
49. You two are inseparable, no distance comes between you -
your joining admits no disjunction.
٤٩. وزاد نجماكما ارتفاعاً
ما أمكنَ الأنْجُمَ ارتفاع
50. The eye and the brow accord
in conjugation, as do the arm and the shoulder.
٥٠. فأنتما لا عدا اقترابٌ
شملكما لا ولا اجتماع
51. If there remains a nascent heart for a heart,
between your two hearts there was suckling.
٥١. العينُ والحاجبُ اتفاقاً
في الوصل والعَضْدُ والذراع
52. Ali is the height of every rise of glory,
which has condescension, next to your glory.
٥٢. إن يك قلبٌ رضيعَ قلبٍ
فبين قلبيكما رضاع
53. For that you shone brilliant, outstripping every hero
in what no hero could ever attain.
٥٣. عليُّ كلُّ ارتفاعِ عزٍّ
له لدى عِزَّكَ اتضاع
54. No outstanding horseman has attacked your flank
for him to be the outstanding attacking hero.
٥٤. لذلك اسطعتَ من شجاعٍ
ما لم يكنْ قَطُّ يُسْتَطاع
55. You won from him a baby roe deer
whose den and lair the fortresses comprise.
٥٥. فما امترى فاتكٌ شجاعٌ
في أَنَّهُ الفاتكُ الشجاع
56. You won from him a baby wild ass
whose natural pasture and stables you blocked off.
٥٦. أحْرَزتَ منه ربيبَ وكرٍ
تضمَّنت وَكْرَهُ القِلاعُ
57. If he acquires it by your good graces,
then his acquisition is no loss.
٥٧. أحرزتَ منه ربيب خِدْرٍ
سداهُ واللحمةُ اليراع
58. Or if he profits in your shade,
then that profit is most worthy.
٥٨. إن يَصْطَنِعْهُ على اختيارٍ
منك فما ضاعَ الاصْطِناع
59. Behold him, listening to you attentively!
He lends his hearing obediently to your command.
٥٩. أو يُكسَ في ظلك انتفاعاً
فقد زكا ذاك الانتفاع
60. Girded by you with an armor of superiority,
may that armor invigorate him!
٦٠. ها هُوَ مُصْغٍ إليك سمعاً
له إِلى أمْرِكَ استماع
61. So inspire with him the heart of every wagging tongue
to silence, breaking it against their combined image.
٦١. مدَّرِعٌ منك درعَ فخرٍ
فليهنِه ذاكَ الادَّراع
62. For you are the towering mountain of glory that has already
settled; assuredly, it knows no convulsion.
٦٢. فاصدعْ به قلبَ كلِّ لاحٍ
بقلبه منكما انصداع
63. How many quarrelsome people have you directed
to amicable positions, their quarrel evaporating!
٦٣. فأنت طَوْدُ العلى الذي قد
رسا فما إِنْ له انقلاع
64. None equal you in this
unless the head equaled the shoulder.
٦٤. كم ذي نزاعٍ إلى محلٍّ
حللتَهُ خانَهُ النِّزاع
65. Our opinion is not nonsense
whether we state it openly or it remains implicit.
٦٥. فما يساويك فيه إلاَّ
إِذا استوى الرأسُ والكُراع
66. Live safely excelling in the invention of glory,
for how excellent is that invention!
٦٦. وَقَوْلُنا غيرَ ذا جنونٌ
إن نحنُ قلناه أو صُراع
67. Your deeds know no end
and our words know no end.
٦٧. عشْ سالماً لاختراعِ مجدٍ
فإنه نعمَ الاختراع
٦٨. فعلُكَ ما إِن له انقطاعُ
وَقولُنا ما له انقطاع