1. Our loved ones set out,
And took control of our hearts, so they triumphed,
١. أَحبابُنا بقلوبِنا شطُّوا
وتحكَّموا فيهنَّ فاشتطُّوا
2. If they move I'll kill him -
My knowledge, so where do you see they alighted?
٢. أما ترَحُّلُهُم فأقتُلُهُ
علماً فأين تراهمُ حطُّوا
3. They travelled and I wasn't told of their journey
Until I saw their beauty has been folded up,
٣. ساروا ولم أُوَذَنْ بسيرهمُ
حتى رأيتُ جمالهم تَمْطو
4. And the next morning it walked away with them
In sorrow, I reckon, for our livers it walks,
٤. وغدتْ بهم تخطو وأحسبها
أَسفاً على أكبادنا تَخطو
5. How many moons in their chambers,
Galloping over hearts or tyrannizing!
٥. كم في هوادجهنَّ من قمَرٍ
يعدو على الألباب أو يسطو
6. And a kissing mouth appears its smiles
As though through it dawns were showing,
٦. ومُقَبَّلٍ تبدو مَضاحِكُهُ
فكأنما يَبدو بها سِمطُ
7. And a perfumed ankle with musk
From its banner when a comb touches it,
٧. ومرجَّلٍ بالمسكِ يعبقُ مِنْ
ريَّاهُ حين يمَسُّه المُشْط
8. And large-bottomed it looks away
From its buttocks and breasts held high,
٨. ومثقَّلِ الأرداف يشخصُ عن
أردافه ونهودِهِ المِرْط
9. And their veils included white flashes
Beautified by grace not by ochre,
٩. وتضمَّنت أستارها لُعَباً
بيضاً زهاها الحسنُ لا الخَرط
10. In them a gentle companion I was encumbered with
Like a roe deer when she bounds,
١٠. فيهن آنسةٌ كلفتُ بها
كالظبيةِ الأدماء إِذ تَعطُو
11. She twists her fingers over stirring
And her nimble fingertips provoke it
١١. تلوي أناملها على هَزجٍ
وتحثُّهُ أَطرافها السُّبط
12. So by her left for him remains
A fist while by her right for him extends
١٢. فيظلُّ منها باليسارِ له
قبْضٌ وباليمنى له بَسط
13. Scattered, picked up,
And the scattered its collection brings together,
١٣. ضدَّان منثورٌ وملتقطٌ
والنثر يجمع شملُه اللقط
14. Grey hair came and they in number
So they left and old age descended,
١٤. كان المشيبُ وهم على عدةٍ
فترحلوا وتَنزَّلَ الوخْط
15. They took solace and supplied you with sorrow -
Far between what they took and what they gave!
١٥. أخذوا العزاءَ وزوَّدوك أَسىً
شتان ما أَخذوا وما أعطوا
16. And memories of the farewell visit are for us
In both meanings all condition,
١٦. ومذكّرات الزيِّ هُنّ لنا
في المعنيينِ كليهما شَرطُ
17. So their abodes did we water, dissolved,
No legacy, unleashed is its binding,
١٧. فسقى ديارهمُ محلَّلة ال
أخلافِ ليسف لحلِّها رَبْط
18. From Abu Bakr I have a brother, trusted one,
I never doubted his fraternity,
١٨. لي من أبي بكرٍ أخو ثقةٍ
لم أسْترِبْ بإِخائِه قَط
19. Same close or far,
Both nearness and distance from him,
١٩. ما حال في قُربٍ ولا بُعُدٍ
سيانِ منه القُرْبُ والشَّحْط
20. Bodies yet spirits one,
Like two dots enclosing them a line,
٢٠. جسمان والروحان واحدة
كالنقطتين حَواهما خط
21. So when needy I have through him family,
And when abroad I have through him clan,
٢١. فإذا افتقرتُ فلي به جِدَةٌ
وإذا اغتربتُ فلي به رَهْط
22. Recalling him or visiting, examining,
You see in him a sea with no shore,
٢٢. ذاكرْهُ أو جاورْهُ مختبراً
ترَ منه بحراً ما له شَط
23. How many gifts from him did I pride myself
Not necklaces or earrings attain them!
٢٣. كم نعمةٍ منه حَلِيْتُ بها
لا الشِّنفُ يبلغها ولا القُرْط
24. Humble, easy his manners
And to enemy of his friend violent,
٢٤. متذلِّلٌ سَهْلٌ خلائقُهُ
وعلى عدوِّ صديقِه سَلْط
25. Praise profits through them a merit
But if dispraised his dispraise is plain,
٢٥. مِدَحٌ يفيدُ بهنّ منقَبَةً
فإذا هجا فهجاؤه عَلْط
26. And fruits of his meaning perfect it
While fruits of another's meaning fall,
٢٦. ونتاجُ معناهُ يُتَمّمُهُ
ونتاجُ معنى غيرِهِ سقط
27. And gardens of manners, fertile,
No blight or mildew blemished them,
٢٧. وجنانُ آدابٍ مثمرة
ما شابها أَثلٌ ولا خَمط
28. And humility wherein aloofness heightens
And beauty excels when it lowers,
٢٨. وتواضعٌ يزدادُ فيه عَلىً
والحسنُ يعلو حينَ يَنحَط
29. And when a man greyed, treacherously,
Then no sincerity in his affection!
٢٩. وإذا امرؤ شيبَتْ خلائقه
غدراً فما في وُدِّهِ خَلْط