
The cursed home of the deformed Suleiman

لا قدست دار السلي

1. The cursed home of the deformed Suleiman
Was not a home for Muslims, nor Jews, nor Christians

١. لا قُدِّسَتْ دارُ السُّلَيْ
مانيةِ الشوهاءِ دارا

2. They are the worst dregs that debauchery begat
A tomcat conceived of the seed of drunkards

٢. ما أهلها بالمسلمي
ن ولا اليهودِ ولا النصارى

3. We were compelled to dwell therein and we
Established our dwellings upon its wastelands

٣. هم شرُّ ما أوعى البغا
يا قطُّ من نُطَفِ السكارى

4. Our honor was violated therein so we
Turned away fleeing

٤. رُمْنَا النزول بها فأل
فينا منازلها قِفارا

5. We did not gain victory and the free man
Does not hope for triumph from the ignoble

٥. وتُنُوولِت أَعراضُنا
فيها فولَّينا فِرارا

6. The villages of Aleppo are more
Beloved to me than dwelling in them

٦. لم ننتصرْ والحرُّ لا
يرجو من النذلِ انتصارا

7. It borders you, O Ghawth, so have you
Praised it for its vicinity?

٧. ما قُرى حلبٍ أح
بُّ إلى القِرى منها ديارا

8. It has brought you shame, O Ghawth
In being near it, and that suffices as dishonor

٨. هيَ في جوارِكَ يا قُوَيْ
قُ فهل حَمِدْتَ لها جوارا

9. Branded by inauspiciousness, may its
Inauspiciousness intensify and spread

٩. كسبتك عاراً يا قوي
قُ بقربها وكفاكَ عارا

10. If it were personified, it would be
personified none other than as perfidy

١٠. موسومةٌ بالشؤْمِ أَنْ
جَدَ شُؤْمها فيها وغارا

11. It pained Abu Hafs and whomsoever
Its hands did not enervate, it weakened

١١. لو صُوِّرتْ بشراً إِذنْ
ما صُوِّرتْ إلا قُدارا

12. After it took his brother
And his son, a painful taking

١٢. قَسَرَتْ أبا حفصٍ ومَنْ
لم تحوهِ يدُها اقتسارا

13. O Lord, protect Abu Ali wherever
He settled and wherever he traveled

١٣. من بعدِ ما أَخذتْ أَخا
ه وابنَهُ أَخذاً ضِرارا

14. And pour upon its regions
Famine, and destroy it with destruction

١٤. يا ربِّ فاكفِ أبا عل
ي حيث حلَّ وحيثُ سارا

١٥. واصببْ على أقطارِها
قَحْطاً ودمِّرها دَمارا