
What befell me from you when I turned away

ما حل بي منك وقت منصرفي

1. What befell me from you when I turned away
I was nothing but prey to ruination

١. ما حلَّ بي منكَ وَقْتَ مُنْصَرَفي
ما كنتُ إلا فريسةَ التلفِ

2. How often did yearning say to me, stop to kiss it
But fear of the watcher said, Do not stop

٢. كم قال لي الشوقُ قفْ لتلثمَهُ
فقال خوفُ الرقيبِ لم أَقِف

3. I stretched my steps unwillingly, though my feet
Were held back from stepping by utter exhaustion

٣. بسطتُ خطوي كَرْهاً وقد قبَضَتْ
رجلي عن الخطو شِدَّةُ الكَلَف

4. So my body was in the garb of one departing
While my heart was in the garb of one held back

٤. فكان جسمي في زيِّ منطلِقٍ
وكان قلبي في زيِّ منعطف