
The dawn has risen for you, so arise and greet the morn

لاح لك الصبح فقم فاصطبح

1. The dawn has risen for you, so arise and greet the morn
And gain over your fate among those who gained

١. لاح لك الصبحُ فَقُمْ فاصطبحْ
واربحْ على دهرك فيمن ربحْ

2. The rooster has crowed repeatedly, yet
Does the rooster's crowing concern you or not?

٢. الديكُ قد صاح مراراً وما
عليك صاحَ الديكُ أَم لم يصح

3. For a young man is none but a chosen suggestive young man
And pace between the cup and the playing cards or

٣. هاك انتخبْ هلك اقترحْ ما الفتى
إلا فتىً منتخبٌ مقترح

4. With your cheeks on the carpet as if knelt down
With his blood pouring from his throat

٤. ووالِ بين الكاس والطاس أو
ببطحَكَ الزقُّ كما قد بُطح

5. As we saw a slaughtered Abyssinian
Life is but in pursuing passions

٥. ذا دمُهُ ينصبُّ من حلقه
كما رأينا حبشياً ذبِح

6. And being seen immersed and exposed
Among some young men, whichever you wish, some young men

٦. ما العيشُ إلا في ركوب الهوى
وأن تُرى منهمكاً مفتضح

7. Whose praise makes the praiser praised
Their pitcher among them laughs

٧. في فتيةٍ ما شئتَ م فتيةٍ
يجارُ في مدحهُم الممتدح

8. Crying like a sad then happy person

٨. إِبريقهمْ بينهمُ ضاحكٌ
باكٍ كإنسانٍ حزينٍ فَرِح