
If he whom it made passionate had yearned for it

لو كان يشتاقه من كان شوقه

1. If he whom it made passionate had yearned for it
Patience would not have parted him when it parted him

١. لو كان يشتاقه مَن كان شوَّقَهُ
ما فرَّق الصبرَ عنه يومَ فرَّقهُ

2. A lover when his heart tastes the coolness of union
Its estrangement from the beloved overwhelms and illuminates him

٢. صبٌّ إذا ذاق بردَ الوصل خاطرُه
أغصَّهُ هجرُ من يهوى وأَشرقَه

3. Look at my body, you look at a body
Renewal of its afflictions ruined it and gave it moral fiber

٣. انظر إلى جسدي تنظرْ إلى جسدٍ
أبلاهُ تجديدُ بلواهُ وأخلقه

4. And a speaker, why has he not wept, I said to him
A true utterance, hoping he will believe it

٤. وقائلٍ ما له لم يبك قلتُ له
مقالَ صدقٍ رجاءً إن يصدِّقه

5. My passion overflowed into my eyes and burnt them
My tears welled up into my heart and drowned it

٥. قد فاض وجْدي إلى عيني فأحرقها
وغاض دمعي إلى قلبي فَغرَّقه

6. O you whose eyelids equivalently oppose him
His belt unjustly making equivalence with what wrapped it

٦. يا من تعادت جفوني في هواه كما
عادى مؤَزَّرُهُ ظلماً منطِّقَه

7. The narcissi of your cheek, who with roses adorned it
The line of your temple, who with musk immersed it

٧. نسرينُ خدِّكَ مَنْ بالورد لمَّعهُ
وخطُّ صدغِكَ مَن بالمسك غرَّقه

8. From the water of your face beauty remained in fatigue
In every storyteller meaning from it being sated

٨. من ماءِ وجهك ظلَّ الحسنُ في تعَبٍ
في كلِّ راووقِ معنىً منه رَوَّقه

9. Its fringes have softened until I know not how much
A human has shed tears and made tender

٩. رقَّت حواشيه حتى لستُ أعلم كم
أراق من دمعِ إنسان وأرَّقه

10. You are the gazelle, the gazelle of mankind, its beauty decorates it
A guide and its magnificence, a figure and its splendor adorns it

١٠. أنتَ الغزالُ غزالُ الإنسِ زيَّنهُ
دلٌّ وتَرَّفه شكلٌ وفنَّقه

11. You have owned my heart so sickness possesses it
So would you be kind to your owned and emancipate it

١١. ملكتَ قلبي فصار السقمُ يملكه
فهل ترقُّ لمملوكٍ فتعتقَه

12. I see him most wretched in fortune of the desperate for you
The garb of non-existence made him its most wretched

١٢. أراهُ أوبقَ قَدرَ المستهام بكم
لديكَ أن لباسَ العُدْم أوبَقَه

13. A dream and non-existence, which is better, or is it said to him
“No” was all that was, made him content and imbecilic

١٣. الحلمُ والعُدمُ خيرٌ أم يُقالُ له
لا كان ما كان أغناهُ وأحمقَه

14. So now I have freed my hopes, yet I cannot
Stop detaining from people its freedom

١٤. فالآن أطلقتُ تأميلي وكنتُ وما
أنفكُّ أحبسُ دون الخلقِ مُطلَقه

15. I roamed in opinion, ascending and descending
Its west and east wandered in my heart

١٥. وسرتُ في الرأي إِصعاداً ومنحدَراً
وجالَ مغربه قلبي ومَشرقَه

16. But I did not find like Ali one befitting him
The adornment of sublime ones if I chose its most befitting

١٦. فلم أجدْ كعليٍّ من يليقُ به
حَلْيُ العلاءِ إذا ما اخترتُ أليقه

17. And that he who created guidance guided me
To praise one who ennobled deed guided it

١٧. وأنّ مَنْ خلَقَ التوفيقَ وَفَّقني
لحمدِ مَنْ لحميدِ الفِعْل وفَّقه

18. It congratulates Abu Hassan since he left no
Trait of noble deeds but donned it

١٨. يهني أبا حسنٍ إذ لم يدعْ خُلُقاً
من المكارم إلا قد تَخلَّقه

19. He loved glory, debased and lofty
And glory loves the most beloved thing one loves

١٩. تعشَّقَ المجدَ أدناه وأبعدَه
والمجدُ أعشقُ شيءٍ مَن تعشَّقه

20. So the deed gave back the crown of pride crowning it
His deeds and the collar of pride garlanding it

٢٠. فَردُ الفَعال بتاج الفخر توَّجَه
فَعالُهُ وبطوق الفخر طَوَّقه

21. The buyer of the loftiest merit, the most precious of it
The wearer of it, the most splendid and luminous in it

٢١. المشتري من عُلوقِ الفضلِ أثمنَها
والمكتسي منه أبهاه وأشْرَقَه

22. The Indians fear the strike of his assault
The palm the eyes fancied the delicacy of its softness

٢٢. والهندوانيّ تَخْشَى حدَّ مضربه
كفُّ الذي استحسنتْ عيناهُ رَوْنَقه

23. He blackened no pages when he blackened it
But rather he morally pruned it with the scissors of thought

٢٣. ما سَوّدَ الطِّرْسَ خطاً حين سوّده
لكنه بِخَلُوقِ الفكرِ خَلَّقه

24. He reaches what his eloquence wills to reach
Creation seeks not and so does not overtake it

٢٤. ألَدُّ يبلغُ ما شاءَت بلاغته
وليس يطلبه خَلْقٌ فيلحَقه

25. An indication to the speaking though not with a mouth
So the eye hears without the ear uttering it

٢٥. موحٍ إلى ناطقٍ نُطْقاً بغير فمٍ
فالعينُ تسمعُ دونَ الأذْنِ منْطِقَه

26. He did not confront adversity gloomy leaving it
Unless he lit it with the magnificence of facility

٢٦. ما بارز العسرَ مسودّاً مفارقُه
إلا أشابَ بهول اليُسر مفرقه

27. A comet of thought if you lose its course
A key if you unlock its closure

٢٧. شهابُ فكرٍ إذا استوعرتَ مسلكه
مفتاحُ ذكرٍ إذا استفتحتَ مُغلقه

28. An opinion fortressed from the garb of suspicions upon it
Since it built its fence and dug its moat

٢٨. رأيٌ تحصَّنَ مِن لبسِ الظنونِ به
مذ ابتنى سُورَهُ واختطَّ خندقه

29. You meet Ali son of Ibrahim of moral fiber
Sufficient for you to request it to act morally

٢٩. تلقى عليَّ بنَ إبراهيم ذا خُلُقٍ
يكفيكَ أن تتقاضاه تَخلُّقَه

30. You meet penetrative resolute one an accurate one of intellect
An excellent one of knowledge and its climber

٣٠. تلقاه أنفذَ ذي حزمٍ وأثقبَ ذي
فهمٍ وأفتقَ ذي علمٍ وأرتَقه

31. It misses him to remedy grave matters and gentles him
To solve that which winds from it and is kinder to it

٣١. أفَلَّهُ لشبا خطبٍ وألطفَهُ
بحلِّ ما يَلْتَوي منه وأرْفَقَه

32. So say to his envious detractor, yield to envy
If you were a paddle you would not parallel its twig

٣٢. فقلْ لحاسِدِهِ أطْرِقْ على حَسَدٍ
لو كنتَ رُخّاً لما وازَنتَ بَيْذَقَهُ

33. The spending one lessened not his expenditure
But rather spent seeking praise expending it

٣٣. المنفقُ الوفرَ لما قلَّ مُنْفِقُهُ
وإنما في اكتساب الحمد أنفقه

34. To God a platform of shelter he takes refuge in
When the turns of fate nestled its intimacy

٣٤. لله هضبةُ أرفاقٍ يَلوذُ بها
مَنْ وسَّدَتْهُ صروفُ الدهر مِرفَقه

35. Giving good news before the tribulation like clouds
If they begin, send ahead of torment their lightning

٣٥. بشراً أَمامَ العطايا كالغمامِ إذا
أنشا يُقَدِّم قبل الوبلِ مُبْرِقَه

36. This, my praise and poetry about you adorned it
The truthfulness of praise from the composer and its fabricator

٣٦. هذا ثنائي وشعري فيك زَخْرَفَهُ
صدقُ الثناءِ من المُنْشي وَنَمَّقَه

37. Corresponding, not like one who agonized rhymes so that
The words correspond in meaning and coalesced it

٣٧. طابقته لا كمن كدَّ القوافيَ كي
يطابقَ اللفظ في المعنى فأطبقه

38. You see the enemies gloomy toward its reciter
They see from it the warbling of sharpness bluing it

٣٨. ترى الأعاديَ زُرقاً نحو منشده
يرون منه طريرَ الحدِّ أزرقه