1. O he whose merit is pride
And whose abandonment is wrath
١. أبا مَنْ فضْلُهُ غِبْطَهْ
ويا مَنْ هَجْرُهُ سخْطَهْ
2. For none other than I, if he were to die
There would not be a drop left
٢. ومَنْ ليس لغيري من
هُ لو مات ولا نُقْطَه
3. I see my heart in love of you
Carried on its course
٣. أرى قلبيَ في حُبِّ
كَ محمولاً على خُطَّه
4. I see myself having fallen, my eyes
Have fallen into your eyes' predicament
٤. أراني وقَعَتْ عينا
ي مِنْ عَيْنِكَ في ورْطَه
5. So how many, how many do I have in
The seas of love as burdens
٥. فكم لي ثَمَّ كم لي في
بحارِ الحبِّ من غَطَّه
6. O clasp of the necklace
When its middle laughs
٦. فيا واسطةَ العقدِ
إذا ما ضحكتْ وسْطَه
7. And o pearl whose only flaw
Is that it is found by chance
٧. ويا درَّةَ تاجِ عيبُها
في أنها لُقْطَه
8. And o slave girl who sings
Without henna or comb
٨. ويا جاريةً تغني
عن الحنَّاءِ والمشْطَه
9. And o gazelle musked
In perfume, soaked
٩. ويا رامُشْنةً مَغْمو
سةً في الطِّيبِ مُنْغَطَّه
10. You have become the fawn's lip
In the world, nay an earring
١٠. لقد أصبحتَ شِنْفَ الحُسْ
نِ في العالمِ بل قُرْطَهْ
11. As for the face, it is the sun
Lowered from the orbits
١١. فأما الوجهُ فالشمسُ
منَ الأفلاكِ مُنحَطَّه
12. And as for the body, it is ivory
Whose engraving mimics engraving
١٢. وأما الجسمُ فالعاجُ
يحاكي خَرْطُهُ خَرْطَه
13. That forelock is for the gazelle
And that chest is for the duck
١٣. وذاك الجيدُ للظبي
وذاك الصدرُ للبطَّه
14. Musk is none other than
The soft curly sideburns
١٤. وما المسك سوى تلك ال
طرار الجعدةِ القَطَّه
15. Camphor is none other than
Your delicate palms
١٥. وما الكافورُ إلا كفُّ
كَ الناعمةُ السَّبْطه
16. The roses complained of your cheeks
And split into pieces from them
١٦. تَشَكَّى الوردُ خَدَّيْك
وشقَّ منهما مِرْطَه
17. And the anemones were jealous of a mouth
When they saw its beauty
١٧. وغارَ السِّمط من ثغرٍ
كَ لما أن رأى سِمْطَه
18. So what is the matter of the critic
And the matter of this criticism
١٨. فما للعاذِل السَّلْطِ
وللعاذلةِ السَّلْطَه
19. When I am fired up to a passionate one
And his passion
١٩. نعم ما شأن ذا اللطِّ
وشأنُ هذه اللَّطه
20. Did I not let loose my reins
Wherever a bald man lets loose his comb
٢٠. متى انقدتُّ لمشتطٍّ
على الصبِّ ومشتطَّه
21. So my heart will never unravel
From this predicament
٢١. ألم أُلْقِ عناني حَيْ
ثُ أَلقى أَصْلَعٌ مُشْطَه
22. And I will not be released from my imprisonment
While your eyes are on their guard
٢٢. فلن ينحلَّ قلبي أَ
بداً من هذه الوَرطَه
23. Grant it the police of the blind man
For every police there is control
٢٣. ولن أُطلَقَ من حَبسي
وعيناكَ على الشُّرْطَه
24. People draw near until
The coin has become like carob
٢٤. وهبها ضَبطَةَ الأعمى
لكلِّ ضبطةٍ ضَبطَه
25. And we battled an age resembling
Its lilies are botanical decoration
٢٥. تداني الناسُ حتى صا
رتِ التَّلْعَةُ كالهَبْطَه
26. Why, when its return sheltered us
Did it not shelter us a bit
٢٦. وكافحنا زماناً مش
بهاً زنبقُهُ نَفْطَه
27. So why do I flail confusion
With my palm, no matter the flail
٢٧. فهلاَّ إِذْ حمانا عَوْ
دَهُ لم يحمنا قِسْطَه
28. And praise without attainment
Is like contracts without conditions
٢٨. فما لي أخبطُ الشَّوْ
كَ بكفِّي أيَّما خَبْطه
29. So leave people who equal
When appraised, an armpit
٢٩. وتقريظٌ بلا نيلٍ
مواجيرٌ بلا شرطَه
30. And do not heed one whose honor
Equals his honor, a forearm
٣٠. فدعْ قوماً يساوون
إذا ما قُوِّموا مَطَّه
31. Join the course of glory
I ransom you from that course
٣١. ولا تحفلْ بذي عِرْضٍ
يساوي عِرْضُهُ إِبطَه
32. It is the course that when it existed
Was determined to benevolence
٣٢. وصلْ خُطَّةَ مجدٍ أ
نا أفدي تلكَ منْ خُطَّه
33. We diverged from a pure divergence
More diverging than divergence
٣٣. هي الخطَّةُ مذ كانت
على الإِحسانِ مختطّه
34. It is the sea which no swimmer
Can match its shore
٣٤. شَحطنا عن نظيفٍ شح
طةً أطْوَلَ ما شَحْطَهْ
35. A boy who was not given the like
Of what he was given, would not be given to him
٣٥. هيَ البحرُ الذي ليس
يُداني سابحٌ شَطَّه
36. Qualities that resemble each other
Like the leopard and little leopard
٣٦. فتى لم يُعطَ خلْقٌ مث
ل ما أُعطيَ لم يُعطَه
37. He who has God as his master
Will see the fairness of the Most High as his fairness
٣٧. سجايا يتشابهن
كالنُّمرةِ والرُّقْطه
38. So whoever we counted of peoples
We counted his peoples
٣٨. ومَن مولاهُ مولاهُ
يرى قسط العلى قسطه
39. As for my praise of another, it is mistake
Let alone from mistake
٣٩. فمن عدّ من الأقوا
م رهطاً عدَّنا رهطه
40. And ignorance that left
The palm tree for the sneeze and fever
٤٠. أما مَدحي سواهُ غَلْ
طةٌ ناهيكَ منْ غَلْطَه
41. Carry me, O lad of power
And clenching and extending
٤١. وجهلٌ تركيَ النخْلَ
ةَ للأثلةِ والخمطه
42. Carry me, for it is slipping
And stumbling and falling
٤٢. أَقلني يا فتى السطو
ةِ والقبضةِ والبَسْطَه
43. My entry into the door of whom you love
Is like the entry of one who has lowered himself
٤٣. أَقِلْني فَهيَ الزلَّ
ةُ والعَثرةُ والسَّقطَه
44. For had I not been sincere in praising you
I would not have been free of nonsense
٤٤. دخولي بابَ مَنْ تهوى
دخولُ قائلٍ حِطَّه
٤٥. فلو لم أَخْلُ من مَدْحِ
كَ لم أخْلُ من الحِنطَه