
Her hair is so long it trails behind her

جارية شعرها ملاحفها

1. Her hair is so long it trails behind her
Too heavy for the braids to bear

١. جاريةٌ شعرُها ملاحِفُها
تعجزُ عن حمله وصائفُها

2. Its tips touch the ground when she walks
Unless she holds their ends with care

٢. تنالُ أطرافُهُ إذا سقطت
في المشي ما لم تنلْ مطارفُها

3. Split by the combs that stroke her hair
The dawn is fair to see at night

٣. مفترقُ الشَّمْل هاهنا وهنا
قد فَرَّقت شملَه روادفها

4. But dawn to her is nightfall's glare

٤. للَّيل فجرٌ يَسُرُّ منظرُهُ
وليلُها فجرُهُ سوالفها