
The melodious singer quenched Aleppo's thirst,

سقى حلب المزن مغنى حلب

1. The melodious singer quenched Aleppo's thirst,
So how much delight did it voice in delight!

١. سقى حلب المزن مغنى حلب
فكم وكلت طرباً بالطرب

2. And how much enjoyable life I had,
When its livelihood was enjoyable to me!

٢. وكم مستطاب من العيش لي
لديها غذ العيش لم يستطب

3. When the flowers spread their banners,
Being playful, gentle, and sweet here,

٣. إذا نشر الزهر أعلامه
بها ومطارده والعذب

4. Tomorrow and its suburbs were of silver,
Its center and surroundings were of gold.

٤. غدا وحواشيه من فضة
ترفُ وأوساطه من ذهب

5. The breeze fluttered it in the breast of the morning,
Radiating upon us the splendor of play.

٥. تلاعبه الريح صدر الضحى
فيجلي علينا جلاء اللعب

6. Whenever its moaners sang,
Recited, spoke, or lamented,

٦. متى ما تغنت قماريه
وأنشد أو خطب

7. I lamented the sons of Ahmad,
And my wailing was like their wailing.

٧. ندبت ونحت بني أحمد
ومثلي ناح ومثلي ندب

8. The sons of Mustafa, the seal of the prophets,
The elite of the elite.

٨. بني المصطفى خاتم الأنبياء
والمنتجب المنتخب

9. None passed by his path except through him,
Nor tasted fatigue in the path except through him.

٩. فما سار مسراه إلا به
وما مسه في السرى من تعب

10. Only for him did the moon split,
To fulfill what had been ordained.

١٠. أم القمر انشق إلا له
ليقضي ما قد قضى من إرب

11. No hand tossed pebbles in it,
Except his hand throughout all eras.

١١. ولا يد سيح فيها الحصى
سوى يده في جميع الحقب

12. In Tufaila, he returned the eye of the blind man,
To its healthy state, when he wished.

١٢. وفي تفلة رد عين الوص
ي إلى حال صحتها إذ أحب

13. His brother, and husband of the best of creation to him,
His supporter in hardships,

١٣. أخوه وزوج أحب الورى
إليه ومسعده في النوب

14. For him the sun returned until he finished,
The prayer and stood up having done his duty.

١٤. له ردت الشمس حتى قضى
الصلاة وقام بما قد وجب

15. He purified with his ring while bowing,
Hoping for reward in the hereafter.

١٥. وزكى بخاتمه راكعاً
رجاء المجازاة في المنقلب

16. Abu Hassan and Hussein, who were,
The lanterns, lanterns of the Arabs.

١٦. أبو حسن والحسين اللذين
كانا سراجي سراج العرب

17. They are the best walkers who walked Jeddah,
Jadd and the purest of mothers and fathers.

١٧. هما خير ماشٍ مشى جدة
وجدا وأزكاه أما وأب

18. The life of the Messiah lamented us in Karbala,
The terrain of tribulation, terrain of distress.

١٨. أنيخا بنا العيس في كربلا
مناخ البلاء مناخ الكرب

19. I smell the musk of that soil,
And kiss the camphor of that dust.

١٩. نشم ممسك ذاك الثرى
ونلثم كافور تلك الترب

20. And I fulfill the visitation to a tomb therein,
For visiting it is recommended.

٢٠. ونقضي زيارة قبر بها
فأن زيارته تستحب

21. Woe to me for the one in whom is all woe,
And I spill my tears for him as long as they spill.

٢١. سآسي لمن فيه كل الأسى
وأسكب دمعي له ما انسكب

22. For the one who died of agony and separation,
His waves hurling those who draw near.

٢٢. لمن مات من ظما والفرا
ت يرمي بامواجه من كثب

23. They intend to get close but are prevented,
From reaching him when erected.

٢٣. يروم اقتراباً فيحمونه ال
وصول إليه إذا من نصب

24. The Fatimids erected what
He suffers under the commotion of erection.

٢٤. وقد أنصبَ الفاطميات ما
يعانيه تحت الوغى من نصب

25. When he bid them farewell, they swooned,
From the heat of bidding him farewell and lamented.

٢٥. إذا هو ودعهن انتج
ن من حر توديعه وانتحب

26. O household of the Messenger, O son of the virgin,
O pride of knowledge, pride of literature!

٢٦. أيابن الرسول ويا ابن البتو
ل يا زينة العلم زين الأدب

27. It was as if I saw Shimr attacking you,
And woe to Shimr for attacking you!

٢٧. كأني بشمر مكباً علي
ك وبلٌ لشمرٍ على من أكب

28. Your matter is resolved, the reins freed,
Orator of intellects, wounder of hearts.

٢٨. ومهرك ماض مخلى العنان
خطيب اللباب خضيب اللبب

29. You had delayed the war from the women,
Whose hands war had made drink the cup of war.

٢٩. وقد أجلت الحرب عن نسوة
سقتها يد الحرب كأس الحرب

30. They watch your face above the spearheads
And perceive with a glance that I had vanished.

٣٠. يلاحظن وجهك فوق القنا
ة ويذهبن باللحظ أني ذهب

31. So blessed is the elegy that let out,
The adornments for the chosen, elite one.

٣١. فبوركت مرثية خليت
من الحلي بالمنتقى المنتجب

32. To the chamber of Kufa, the most generous,
Noblest ancestry is attributed to the noblest lineage.

٣٢. إلى ضبة الكوفة الاكرمين
تنسب أكرم بهذا النسب

33. To those who stand by the right of the successor,
In contentment and in anger.

٣٣. إلى القائمين بحق الوصى
عند الرضاء وعند الغضب