
He was obedient to passion, so how did he disobey?

قد كان طوع الهوى فكيف عصا

1. He was obedient to passion, so how did he disobey?
And once upright, what made him regress?

١. قد كان طوعَ الهوى فكيف عصا
ومستقيماً فما له نَكَصَا

2. Marvel at him misleading you after he seemed gentle,
Holding the reins until, when he wished, he stripped off his shirt.

٢. أَعْجِبْ به خاتلاً ألانَ لك ال
مِقْوَدَ حتّى إذا اشتهى قمَصَا

3. So how did he, from your secure, bound protection,
Escape the fetter and from his narrow prison slip out?

٣. فكيف منْ قَيْدِ حِفْظك الموثَقِ انف
كَّ ومن ضيقِ سجنه خَلَصا

4. Did he leave the snare and bonds and entanglements
And grids by force, or did he break open the cage?

٤. أَفارقَ الفخَّ والحبائلَ وال
أشراكَ قَسْراً أم كسر القفصا

5. Neither the net of love turned him back, nor
The clinging of fidelity when he passed by, set free.

٥. لا شَبَكُ الودِّ ردَّ منه ولا
دِبْقُ التصافي إِذ مرَّ مُمَّلِصَا

6. O you, when the sublime are counted, your intimacy is reckoned
As more than most people's counting.

٦. يا مَنْ إِذا ما حصى العلا حُسِبَتْ
أَلفيتَه أكثرَ الأنامِ حصى

7. You never ceased, of the wild beasts in the wilderness,
To be the most cunning, till after me you forgot cunning.

٧. ما زلتَ منْ أقنصِ البرية لل
وحشِ فأنْسِيتَ بعديَ القَنَصا

8. The gazelle deceived you, so you were deluded by him,
Until when he spied an opportunity, he took advantage of it.

٨. لغرَّك الظبيُ فاغتررتَ به
حتى إذا فرصةً رأى افترصا

9. When you were sincere in your love of him, he was insolent,
And if you showed more passion, he was disdainful.

٩. كان إِذا ما صَحَحْتَ في حبّه اعت
لَّ وإن زدتَ صبوةً نَقَصا

10. And if you put on a shirt of sorrow for him,
His heart put on a shirt of patience.

١٠. وإِن تسربلتَ فيه قُمْصَ أَسىً
تَسَرْبَلَ الصبرَ قَلْبُهُ قُمُصَا

11. So dress in consolation, and make your heart true in
The solace of one whom, if you are loyal to him, you will find loyal.

١١. فالبسْ عزاءً واصدقْ فؤادَك في
سلوةِ مَنْ إِنْ صَدَقْتَهُ اخْتَرصا

12. Be harsh if he is harsh with you, and do not
Make things easy for him in passion, even if he makes it easy.

١٢. واغلُ إذا ما غلا عليك ولا
تَرْخُصْ له في الهوى وإن رَخُصا

13. For the tale of love, if you deviate with it from
The ways of wisdom, will become just tales.

١٣. فقصّةُ الحبِّ إن عَدلْتَ بها
عن سَنَنِ الحزم أَصْبَحَتْ قِصصا

14. Unlike you, if you fear for Ishaq
The hated greed of his craving.

١٤. غيرُك منْ إِن تَخَفْ عليه أبا
إِسحقَ مكروهَ حِرْصِهِ حَرَصا

15. And he who, when passion encircles him,
Is parceled out by the hands of passion into portions.

١٥. وَمَنْ إِذا ما الهوى أطافَ به
تَقَسَّمَتْهُ أَيدي الهوى حِصَصَا