1. O Abu Muhammad, you who are clothed in light
Allah has not clothed you with sun or moon
١. أبا محمدٍ المكسوَّ نُورَ علاً
لم يَكْسُهُ اللهُ شمساً ولا قمرا
2. It is as if you have concealed from Allah a meaning, so the best thing for you, O you who rejoice in good, is not to conceal
Just as you have hidden from my eyes, so you are not seen
٢. هَبْكَ استترتَ للا معنىً فخيرُكَ يا
من كان بالخيرِ مسروراً لم استترا
3. So has He who made a pact with me that nothing
Of what I was promised will accrue to me hidden from my eyes, so he is not seen
٣. كما تغيَّبْتَ عن عيني فلستَ تُرى
كذا تغيَّبَ عن عيني فليسَ يُرى
٤. مَنْ كان بَايَعَ أني ليسَ يحصلُ لي
مما وَعِدْتُ به شيء فقد قَمَرا