1. His tears flowed copiously with the outpouring of his weeping,
When love's devotion constrained him utterly.
١. شَرقَتْ مدامعُهُ بفَيضِ دُموعه
إذ ضاقَ ذرْعاً في الهوى بخضوعِهِ
2. He kept shedding tears on his cheek continuously,
Until his cheek was furrowed with its tracks.
٢. ما زال يذرفُ دمعَه في خدِّهِ
حتى تَخدَّدَ خدُّهُ بنجيعه
3. He has gotten used to wakefulness, so no bed agrees with him,
Since between his eyelids and sleep came an obstacle.
٣. أَلِفَ السُّهادَ فما يلائمُ مضجعاً
مذ حيل بين جفونِه وهجوعِه
4. What has love done to one broken by passion!
His sighs can be discerned among his ribs.
٤. لله ما صنعَ الهوى بمتَيَّمٍ
زفراتُه تَسْتَنُّ بين ضلوعِه
5. Do not listen to the words of slanderers, for
No ear has listened to their vile, false stories.
٥. لا تسمعي قَولَ الوُشاةِ فإِنَّه
لم تُصغِ لي أُذُنٌ إلى مَسموعِه
6. You have set separation over me deliberately,
Knowing full well that I cannot disobey you.
٦. فلقد أطلعتِ الهجرَ فيَّ تعمّداً
علماً بأني فيك غير مُطيعِه
7. I praised the day we parted for its mysterious deed,
And blamed the day we came together for its foul act.
٧. فحمدتُ يومَ البين سرَّ فَعالِه
وذممتُ يومَ الوصل حُسنَ صنيعه
8. You offer me a drink of tears as if it were
The full moon that illuminates at its rising.
٨. تُدني النصيفَ على أغرَّ كأنه
بدر السماءِ أنارَ عندَ طلوعه
9. On her cheek you see a rose that, whenever
She reveals it, fills the world with the bloom of spring.
٩. وترى لها في الخدِّ ورداً كلَّما
أَبدته ملَّ الدهرُ وَردَ ربيعه