1. The wise can attain in hardship
What defeats the ignorant in ease
١. قد يُدْرِكُ العاقلُ في عُسْرِهِ
ما يُعجز الجاهلَ في يُسْرِهِ
2. And every person is on guard
Whether he hits or misses his goal
٢. وكلُّ إِنسَانٍ على حَذْرِهِ
يُصيبُ أو يخطئ في أمره
3. So thanks to the One who inspired us to thank Him
For what He inspired of thanks from us
٣. فالشكرُ للملهمنا شُكْرَه
على الذي ألْهَمَ من شُكْرِه
4. The door of victory is not closed to one who fears
He called on the Helper of victory for His help
٤. ما ضاق باب النصر عن خائف
دعا أبا نصرٍ إلى نصره
5. From every sea of the oceans of bounty
He drowns in the drop from His sea
٥. من كلِّ بحرٍ من بحَارِ النَّدى
يَغْرَقُ في القطرةِ من بحره
6. He sees the tongue of ease in its desolation
Translating from it and in its civilization
٦. يرى لسان اليسر في بدوه
مترجماً عنه وفي حضره
7. Its good tidings laugh from its face
And its face laughs from its good tidings
٧. وَبشْرُهُ يضحكَ عن وجهه
ووجهُهُ يضحكُ عن بشره
8. The nature of nobility was extracted from his nature
And its sea deduced from his sea
٨. طبْع العلى استُخرِجَ من طبعه
وبحرها استنبطَ من بحره
9. As if the prose of pearls or his poetry
Is from his prose in the prose or his poetry
٩. كأنّ نظمَ الدرِّ أو نثره
من نظمِهِ في الطِّرْسِ أو نثره
10. Easy when you need its ease
And difficult when you need its difficulty
١٠. سهلٌ إذا احتجَت إلى سَهْلِهِ
وعرٌ إذا احتجتَ إِلى وَعْرِه
11. Sweet and bitter, so the life of creation
Is in its sweetness, and death in its bitterness
١١. حلوٌ ومرٌّ فحياةُ الورى
في حُلْوِهِ والموتُ في مُرِّه
12. Poetry was gifted to him, excellent
That the poet gift some of his poetry
١٢. أُهدي له الشعرَ ومستحسنٌ
أن يُهْدِيَ الشاعرُ من شعره
13. And I chose the finest that could be chosen
Of the pearls of praise and its jewels
١٣. وأَنتقي أَنْفَسَ ما يُنْتَقى
من لؤلؤِ المدحِ ومن درّه
14. May He mention him at an appointed time
When occupations distract him from remembering
١٤. عساهُ أ يُذْكِرَهَ موعداً
تَشْغَلُهُ الأشغالُ عن ذكره