
They prevented him from the waters of the Euphrates while they were drinking it fresh and clear

منعوه ماء الفرات وظلوا

1. They prevented him from the waters of the Euphrates while they were drinking it fresh and clear
By my father 'Itrah the prophet and my mother

١. مَنَعُوهُ ماءَ الفراتِ وظَلُّوا
يَتَعاطَوْنَهُ زُلالاً نُقَاخا

2. An obstinate enemy blocked it from them
The best of creation as a child, as a youth

٢. بأبي عِترةَ النَّبِيّ وأُمّي
سَدَّ عنهم مُعانِدٌ أَصْماخا

3. And as elders, and the best of them are the old
They took the chest of the pride of glory as soon as they became hostile and left the battlefields bloody

٣. خَيْرُ ذا الخَلْقِ صِبْيَةً وَشَباباً
وكُهولاً وَخَيرُهُمْ أشياخا

4. The pure ones, wherever they were, pockets
Where pockets cannot avoid getting dirty

٤. أخَذوا صَدْرَ مفخرِ العزّ مُذْ كا
نوا وخلّوا لِلعالَمينَ المِخاخا

5. They get used to living in the wilderness when people get used to their spoils and good cooking
They were created generous, not stingy

٥. النَّقِيُّونَ حيثُ كانوا جيوبا
حيثُ لا تأمن الجيوبُ اتّساخا

6. And a generous person does not become stingy
The people of virtue inherited virtue as old men

٦. يَألَفُونَ الطَّوَى إِذا ألف النا
سُ اشتواءً مِنْ فَيْئِهِمْ واطّبَاخا

7. And youth, honor him for that inheritance
By their love he becomes proud and lofty, he who had

٧. خُلِقوا أسْخِياءَ لا مُتَساخِي
نَ وليس السَّخِيُّ مَنْ يَتَساخَى

8. Been among people a strutting braggart
O son of the prophet's daughter, honor through him a son

٨. أهْلُ فَضْلٍ تَناسَخوا الفَضْلَ شِيباً
وَشباباً أكْرِمْ بِذاكَ انْتِساخا

9. And by the staffs of his grandfather, staffs
And the son of the one who supported the prophet and befriended him

٩. بِهَواهُمْ يَزْهُو وَيَشْمَخُ مَنْ قَدْ
كانَ في النَّاسِ زَاهِياً شَمَّاخا

10. And bid him farewell at Ghadir and became his brother
And the son of the one who was a pillar against the enemies

١٠. يابْن بِنتِ النَّبِيّ أكرِمْ بِهِ ابْناً
وَبِأسْنَاخِ جَدّهِ أسْنَاخا

11. And a smasher in the face of their horrors
A striker with the sword under the shadow of war

١١. وّابْنَ مَنْ وَازَرَ النَّبِيَّ وَوَالا
هُ وَصَافاهُ في الغَديرِ وَوَاخَى

12. And a charger in the midst of the fray
The one whose blood his supporters prolong shedding

١٢. وَابْنَ مَنْ كانَ لِلْكَريهةِ ركّا
باً وفي وَجْهِ هَوْلِها رَسّاخا

13. Drawing it fresh and fragrant
It is not upon you that his anklet of gold chimed

١٣. لِلطُّلَى تحتَ قَسْطَلِ الحَرْبِ ضَرّا
باً ولِلهامِ في الوَغَى شَدّاخا

14. But it is upon the people the chime

١٤. ذو الدّماءِ التي يُطيلُ موالي
ه اخْتِظاباً بِطيبِها والْتِطَاخا

١٥. ما عَليكُمْ أناخَ كَلْكَلَهُ الدَّه
رُ ولكنْ عَلى الأنامِ أنَاخا