
Shall I prolong in describing passion or shall I shorten

أأطيل في وصف الهوى أم أقصر

1. Shall I prolong in describing passion or shall I shorten
And broadcast the concealed sorrow or shall I conceal

١. أَأُطيلُ في وَصْفِ الهوى أَمْ أُقْصِرُ
وأُذيعُ مكتومَ الأسى أم أَسْتُرُ

2. Oh Jafar the sublime over the full moon of nightfall
With you he attained the joy of his face, oh Jafar

٢. يا جعفرُ العالي على بدرِ الدجى
بكَ نالَ بهجةَ وجهه يا جعفر

3. The traits of beauty in you are complete so they all
Praise you when the slender one is counted

٣. تَمَّتْ خلالُ الحسنِ فيك فكلُّها
تُثْنِي عليكَ إذا تُعَدُّ الخِنْصَر

4. And you became one with a bending branch and an appearance
That captivates and an eye between that enchants

٤. وغدوتَ ذا دلٍّ يروقُ ومنظرٍ
يُصبي وطرفٍ بين ذلك يَسْحَر

5. A slender tree leaning over which an elegant branch
A branch shining over which there is a bright full moon

٥. دِعْصٌ يميلُ عليه غُصْنٌ أهْيَفٌ
غصنٌ يضيءُ عليه بدرٌ أَزْهَر

6. Who is there that sees you and does not wish
That in each of his limbs there was an eye that looks

٦. مَنْ ذا يراكَ فلا يودُّ بأَنه
في كلِّ عضوٍ منه عينُ تَنظُر