
Heavier than fever when it first appears

أثقل من حمى إذا ما بدت

1. Heavier than fever when it first appears
Shaking with chills and rigors dire

١. أَثقلُ من حمَّى إذا ما بدت
تُرْعد بالنافضِ والصالبِ

2. If he were to pass within a mile, you'd think
He'd passed between the eyeball and the lid

٢. لو مرَّ من ميلٍ توهمته
قد مرَّ بين العينِ والحاجب

3. If he walked on one side of the earth, its weight
Would surely tilt and lean to that one side

٣. ولو مشى في جانب الأرض من
ثِقْلٍ إِذنْ مالتْ إِلى جانب