
By your father, O son of Sulayma

بأبي يابن سليمان

1. By your father, O son of Sulayma
You have certainly filled Tenukh.

١. بِأبي يابْنَ سُلَيْما
نَ لقد سُدتَ تَنُوخا

2. And they are the chiefs, youths
By my life, and elders too.

٢. وَهُمُ السَّادَةُ شُبَّا
ناً لَعَمْري وَشُيُوخا

3. Whoever desires glory will find
His cry echoed in your dwellings

٣. أدْرَكَ البُغْيَةَ مَنْ أضْ
حَى بِناديكَ مُنيخا

4. Finding with you, whenever he comes to you seeking,
The Nile, Euphrates and Bilikh.

٤. وارِداً عندك نِيلاً
وَفُراتاً وبَليخا

5. Whoever cries out for glory
Will find in you a ready response,

٥. واجداً منكَ متَى اسْتَصْ
رَخَ لِلْمَجدِ صَريخا

6. In an age when cares have overwhelmed
People till they are downcast.

٦. في زمانٍ غادَرَ الهِمْ
مَاتِ في النَّاس مُسُوخا