
Jealous of them for his own soul

ومانع للناس من أنسه

1. Jealous of them for his own soul
And preventing people from his company.

١. ومانعٍ للناس من أُنْسِهِ
يغارُ لي منهمْ على نَفْسِهِ

2. Touching the Pleiades is for the one who aspires
To touch them, closer than touching him.

٢. لمسُ الثريَّا للذي يَنْبَري
لِلَمْسِها أقربُ من لَمْسِه

3. How many orbits has the constellation turned for me
With its happiness when it turns, not its misfortune.

٣. كم فَلَكٍ للوصلِ قد دار لي
بِسَعْدِهِ إذ دار لا نُحْسِه

4. Beauty has inscribed on his face
What the eye does not tire from studying.

٤. قد كَتَبَ الحسنُ على وجهِهِ
ما لا تملُّ العينُ منْ دَرْسِه

5. God did not spare his full moon
When He created him without equal or like.

٥. لم يُشْفِقِ الله على بَدْرِهِ
حينَ بَرَاهُ لا ولا شَمْسِه