1. Al-Harith, the gentle companion came to us,
His face deeply scarred and marred.
١. أتانا الحارثِ الرافقيّ
وقد نُقِّبَ الوجه منه بزاغ
2. A people told that the beard grows
As much as the brain is addled and muddled.
٢. وخبَّرَ قومٌ بأنّ اللحى
تطولُ على قدر مصِّ الدماغ
3. If what they say be true,
Then his head is totally empty and vacant.
٣. فإن كان حقاً كما خبَّروا
فقد فرغ الرأسُ كلَّ الفراغ