
His apparition came not but like his illusion,

ما زار إلا مثل زوره طيفه

1. His apparition came not but like his illusion,
A restless phantom fearing its lover's delusion,

١. ما زارَ إِلا مثلَ زَوْره طيفه
عجلاً يخافُ مُحبَّهُ مِنْ خوْفِهِ

2. "Perhaps" and "if only" grew easy, for my misery
Grew easy with "perhaps" and "maybe,"

٢. رَخُصَتْ لعلَّ وسوف منه وإِنما
رَخُصَ الأسى بلعلِّه وبِسَوْفِه

3. The shrine of beauty with his face made it sacred,
To which the pilgrims pace, seeking its grade,

٣. حَرَمُ الجمالِ بوجهه الحَرَم الذي
يسري الحجيجُ إلى مِناهُ وخَيْفِه

4. Girded with a sword, when you see him,
His eyelids sheathe his sword,

٤. مُتَقلِّدٌ سَيْفاً متى عايَنْتَهُ
فجفونُ عَيْنَيْهِ حمائلُ سيفِه

5. O you whom my heart hosts,
No excuse for one who disrespects his host,

٥. يا ذا الذي أضحى فؤادي ضَيْفَهُ
ما عُذْرُ من لم يرْعَ حُرْمَة ضيْفِه

6. What share of our springtime did your cheek obtain?
Only what our hearts gained of its warmth,

٦. هل حظُّ خدِّك من ربيعِ زمانِنا
إِلا كَحظِّ قلوبنا من صيفه

7. How many cry, and my blood flows with my tears
When they saw my eyes' passion set ablaze,

٧. كم قائلٍ ودمي يُدافُ بأدمعي
لمَّا رأى وَلَعَ الجفونِ بدَوْفِه

8. I cry for the justice of the beloved when it passes,
Is it grief for it, or tears for the injustice?

٨. أَبَكى على عَدْلِ الحبيب إذا انقضى
أسفاً عليه أمْ بكى مِنْ حَيْفِه