1. With bliss you break your fast and with joy you keep silent
And with piety you perform fasting and spread it
١. بالسَّعْدِ صُمْتَ وبالسعادةِ تُفْطِرُ
وعلى التُّقَى تَطوِي الصيامَ وَتَنْشُرُ
2. You were blessed with accepted fasting, avoiding sins
As long as fasting continues to be kept
٢. عُمِّرْتَ مقبولَ الصيامِ مجنَّب ال
آثامِ ما دامَ الصيامُ يُعَمَّر
3. You fulfilled the right of fasting this month
And its night prayer in safety from what you fear
٣. وَفَّيْتَ هذا الشهرَ حقَّ صيَامِهِ
وقيامِهِ في الأَمنِ ممّا تَحْذَرُ
4. And complemented it with Hajj, not performed by people
A pilgrim forever uttering talbiyah and proclaiming God's greatness
٤. وَشَفَعْتَهُ بالحجِّ ما حَجَّ الورى
أبداً يُلَبِّي مُحْرِمٌ وَيُكَبِّر
5. You visited Zamzam with the best visit
Its sources were pleasant and the spring was pleasant
٥. ووردتَ زمزمَ ورْدَ أطيبِ واردٍ
طابتْ موارِدُهُ وطابَ المصدر
6. The stay became pleasant to your stay near Him
And the feeling intimate in you, the one feeling intimate
٦. وصَفَا المقامْ إلى مَقاَمكَ عندهُ
وإسشعر الإخبات فيْكَ المشعر
7. You remained as long as remaining was lovable
Calamities are prevented by your power and commanded
٧. وبقيتَ ما كان البقاءُ محبّباً
تُنْهَى بِسَطْوَتِكَ الخطوبُ وَتُؤْمَر
8. In a blessing, its beauty no longer matches your beauty
A radiant flower that shines in hearts and blossoms
٨. في نعمةٍ لم يَعْدُ حُسْنَكَ حُسْنُها
زهراءَ تُشْرِقُ في القلوبِ وَتَزْهَر
9. Your hands extended, O Abu Al-Hussein, out of longing
Yet the nights’ hands fall short of your patron
٩. طالتْ يداكَ أَبا الحسين تطوُّلاً
فَيَدُ الليالي عن وَلِيِّكَ تَقْصُر
10. You combined generosity and rationality
Both of which the wise praise
١٠. وجمعتَ بين سماحةٍ ورجاحةٍ
كلتاهما يُثْنَى عليهِ الخِنْصَر
11. Son of fierce fighters, their deeds
Prevailing over deeds not prevailing before
١١. أبني مقاتلٍ الأولى بِصَنِيعِهِمْ
شُهِرَتْ صنائعُ قَبْلُ لم تكُ تُشْهر
12. If not for your leadership and your planning for us
The planner and the planned would have been lost
١٢. لولا رياسَتُكُمْ وما دَبَّرْتُمُ
فينا لضاعَ مُدبِّرٌ ومدبَّر
13. O you who executes with the pen and sword affairs
A destiny, when affairs are executed, is destined
١٣. يا ممضياً قلماً وسيفاً ذا وذا
قَدَرٌ إِذا تَمْضِي الأمورُ مُقَدَّر
14. My soul is your ransom, as a writer, but also as a horseman
This is life, and that is bloody death
١٤. نفسي فداؤُكَ كاتباً بل فارساً
هذا الحياةُ وذاك موتٌ أحمر
15. When you shaded with the edge of your sword, addressing
No creature doubted your pulpit was a saddle
١٥. لما ظللتَ بحدِّ سيفكَ خاطباً
ما شكَّ خَلْقٌ أَنَّ سَرْجَكَ مِنْبَر
16. You resembled, with pride, a father proud throughout the world
So who can pride themselves like your pride?
١٦. أشْبَهْتَ من فخرٍ أَباً بذَّ الورى
فخراً فَمَنْ ذا مثلَ فَخْرِكَ يَفْخر
17. And so fruitful branches, when they originate
From a core, their fruits originate from the core
١٧. وكذا الغصونُ المثمراتُ متى تَكُنْ
من جوهرٍ فَثِمارُهُنَّ الجوهر