
You still sacrifice yourself, O the most precious of souls,

لا زلت تفدي نفسك الأنفس

1. You still sacrifice yourself, O the most precious of souls,
And avoid what makes you most happy, O the unluckiest.

١. لا زلتَ تَفْدي نفسَكَ الأنْفُسُ
وتتَّقي اسعُدَكَ الأنْحُسُ

2. You were turned away while the days dawned white,
Whitened by their whiteness like Indian linen.

٢. فُصِدْتَ والأيّامُ مُبْيَضَّةٌ
يَبْيَضُّ من مُبْيَضِّها الحِنْدِس

3. The land is green here, and there blossomed,
Seeming like the moon when unveiled, or the sun when rising.

٣. والأرضُ ضربانِ فذا مقمرٌ
إذا اجتليناهُ وذا مُشْمِس

4. Would that your blessings remained green,
Envied in their greenness by Chinese silk.

٤. فلا وَنَتْ نُعماكَ مُخْضَرَّةً
يَحْسُدُها في الخُضْرَةِ السُّندُس

5. I ransom you from an acquiring scribe
Whose obsessive thoughts are kindled by fire.

٥. أَفديكَ من مكتسبٍ كاتبٍ
النارُ من هاجِسِهِ تُقْبَس

6. When he saw me, my persona disappeared,
Revealing to him its unattractive aspects.

٦. لما رآني غاب شخصي لَدُنْ
أبدَتْ له أشخاصَها الأكْؤس

7. What drew my attention was his whispers,
As a confidant whispers to another confidant.

٧. ما راعَني إلا مناجاتُهُ
كما يُناجي المؤنِسَ المؤنِسُ

8. Whether present or absent, when you leave, you come,
For we are the roses and the narcissi.

٨. إِذا حضرنا غبتَ أو إِن تَغِبْ
جيتَ فنحنُ الوردُ والنرجس

9. Never were the two gathered in a garden,
Or brought together in a sitting.

٩. لم يُجْمَعا للعينِ في روضةٍ
قطُّ ولم يحوِهما مَجْلِس

10. So I said, "If only the nights I spend
Would disappear as they diminish."

١٠. فقلتُ لو أَنَّ الليالي التي
أَصْحَبُها تُوفي كما تَبْخَس

11. Then we would not be without joy or sorrow,
Nor would a sitting be devoid of us.

١١. إذاً لكنَّا السَّرورَ والآسَ لا
نخلُو ولا يخلو لنا مَجْلِس