
The full moon illuminated the market of cotton

بدر أضاء لنا بسوق البز

1. The full moon illuminated the market of cotton
Wearing a striped robe and a cap of velvet

١. بدرٌ أضاءَ لنا بسوقِ البزّ
في ثوبٍ وَشَيٍ مَعْ عِمامَةِ خَزِّ

2. The treasure of beauty has always been stored
In his cheeks, so blessed are those treasures

٢. كنزُ الملاحةِ لم يَزَلْ مُسْتُوْدَعَاً
في وجنتيه فحبَّذا من كنز

3. A branch, if the wind shook his bending
One day it would almost melt from the shaking

٣. غُصْنٌ لو أَنَّ الريحَ هزَّت عِطفَه
يوما لكاد يذوبُ عند الهز

4. If his lights were not a protection for him
He would undoubtedly need thousands of protections

٤. لو لم تكن أنوارُهُ حِرزاً له
لم يكفه لا شكَّ ألفا حِرْز

5. A palm that appears molded from smooth clay
And fingers so soft like pliant twigs

٥. كفٌ تُخالُ من اللجينِ مصوغةً
وأَناملٌ من لينها كالقز

6. How I have winked at him and made signs
From afar, so my hidden winking pains him

٦. كم قد أَشَرْتُ إليه أغمزُهُ على
بُعْدٍ فآلمه خفيُّ الغمز

7. He would possess all virtues if he were not
Mocking his lover, so very coquettish

٧. حاز الفضائلَ كلَّها لو لم يكن
متهزئاً بمحبِّهِ ذا طَنْز