
Not with your pain, nor with you, is the agony,

بمؤمليك ولا بك الألم

1. Not with your pain, nor with you, is the agony,
For your complaints have most generously lamented.

١. بمؤمليك ولا بك الألمُ
فلقد شكا لشكاتك الكرمُ

2. My wonder at pains - how they've conquered
A body made sacred by its glory.

٢. عجبي من الآلام كيف غزت
جسماً له من مجده حرم

3. You it is who by your might appeared,
Repelling misfortunes and unveiling injustice.

٣. أنت الذي تجلى بعزته
صدا الخطوب وتكشف الظلم